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I wiped away tears once again as I watched my parents being lowered into the ground.

"Sweetheart, it's time to go, let's get you home." My aunt's voice came from behind as her hand touched my back.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and we headed towards the waiting car.

Pulling up to my childhood home, I took a shaky breath before getting out. As we walked up the stairs to the front door, my aunt stopped and put her hands on my shoulders, making me look at her before I could escape to my room.

"Livy honey, I need you to pack your stuff. We have to return back by tomorrow night," she said, before letting me go.

I couldn't believe her. "What do you mean pack my stuff? I'm not leaving my friends or home." I was seething.

"Yes you are, Olivia dear. You're not eighteen and I'm your appointed guardian. You'll be returning home with me."

I huffed. "I'm starting senior year!"

"Livy, you can start your senior year in my town. Now go pack."

I knew I had lost the battle. She'd used the same voice my mom used when she'd made up her mind.

Holding off fresh tears, I practically ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door.

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