Stares,whispers and dates

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I smile and stretch, before hoping out of bed. Obviously no longer feeling angry, I grab my phone and send a text to Liam and Colton, letting them know I was getting ready to go run.
I put on my shoes and grab my iPod before heading out the door towards the tree line.
Colton and Liam are both there to meet me, and we take off through the trees. The run is quiet as we make our way towards the pond.

Once we reach the pond, I decide to take a lap around it needing to stretch my legs more. When we finish the loop, Liam pulls me on his lap as he sits on the bench with Colton sitting close enough that I lean against him.
"Beautiful" he whispers causing a shiver. We only sit down for five minutes before taking off again through the trees. We reach the house and they both kiss me on the cheek before jogging off.


Later when I'm pulling into the school parking lot, I can't help but feel excited. Hopping out of the truck I can't help my smile which begins to fade as I make my way in and everyone is staring at me. Frowning, I quickly check myself over, no missing clothing. Heading to the bathroom I check my hair and teeth but nothing is out place.
I make my way to my locker with more than a few stares and whispers thrown my way. Reaching my locker I stick my head in and act as if I'm searching for something when a voice behind me startles me, causing me to jump and hit my head on my locker. Rubbing my head I turn to find Liam.
"Crap. I'm sorry baby, are you okay?" He comes closer, examining my head.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I say and he pulls me into a hug. I feel someone join our hug and I turn to smile at Colton. Liam pulls back and kisses me on top of the head before letting me go completely and Colton grabs my hand, dragging me to class.

By lunch time the stares and whispers have doubled, or that's how it feels.
In every class we have, everyone stops all chatter as we enter and the cafeteria seems no different as when Liam and I walk in, the whole place goes quiet and they all turn our way. Liam must have had enough by now because he bellows out, "WHAT?!"
Everyone looks down or away and seem to scramble for conversation.
"Go join Colton babe," he whispers, and I head over that way.

The rest of the day passes quickly and the stares and whispers seem to die down.
When the last bell rings, Liam and I wait for Colton so they can both walk me to my truck. Once outside it, Liam asks, "Olivia, will you go on a date with us?" He seems nervous.
"Yes of course" I say with a smile.
"Great, be ready by 6," Colton says. They both kiss me on the cheek and I climb into the truck and wave. I wait until I pull away before I bounce up and down in the seat and let out a girlish squeal.


Precisely at Six o'clock, there's a knock at the door and I rush to open it.
When I open the door my heart rate picks up and mouth goes dry. I only see Colton, but holy hotness he cleans up nicely. I peer around him, looking for Liam but not seeing him. I frown. Colton must read my mind. "Don't worry sweetheart, you'll see Liam later just trust me." He winks and leads me to a jeep that looks similar to Liam's and I give him a confused look. Colton chuckles, "We have the same jeep except his is black and mine is dark blue," he explains lifting me up.
We drive to the only real restaurant in town and he parks before rushing around and helping me out. Keeping his hand on my lower back, he guides me inside and we are seated immediately. The waitress comes over and ignoring me, she flirts at my date, batting her eyes. "What can I get you to drink handsome?"
It's pointless on her end though, Colton hasn't taken his eyes off of me, "Take my girlfriends order first." he says and she narrows her eyes at me.
"What can I get you" she asks in a snotty voice.
I give her a big smile, "lemonade please." Isn't the saying kill them with kindness?
She jots it down turning her eyes and smiling at Colton, still going unnoticed.
"I'll have the same thanks," Colton says still not looking at her.

After she leaves in a huff, Colton gets up.
"I'll be right back," he says taking off towards the back of the restaurant. While he's gone the waitress returns, pretending to trip and spilling my drink on me. "You just need to leave. There's no way you can be both Liam and Colton's mates and definitely no way you can -" She gets cut off by a voice behind her. "Layla! Go, you're fired." The voice says.
As she turns around to leave he adds, "Oh and Layla, this will be passed along to Darren."

Colton comes over to me, full of concern. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I shouldn't have left you, are you okay?" I nod, still confused about what just happened. "Nothing to worry about beautiful," he says before turning to the guy. "Thanks Nick," he says and the guy nods but looks at me.
"My deepest apologies. If you still feel up to eating here, it's on the house. Please excuse me, I have a call to make." He nods at Colton, "You might want to warn Liam what happened. I'll call Darren, but Liam needs to know too."
Colton nods, "he will be informed," he says and Nick leaves. This is the strangest place. "Well sweetie do you want to stay or go?" Colton asks me.
I look down at my lap, "I'm a little wet and slightly sticky, but I'll live. Let's eat." I say.
We end up enjoying the rest of our meal and easy conversation.

After we eat, Colton takes me to the house to change. When I come out, I find Liam waiting and I lose all thought.
"Wow!" Liam whispers and I blush. I'm sure I was not supposed to hear him.
Clearing his throat he speaks out loud, "You look lovely," causing me to blush deeper. "Thank you." I reply and he smiles guiding me out the door and lifting me up into the jeep. We pull up to a movie theatre and Liam turns to me, "I heard what happened tonight, are you okay?" He asks.
"Yes I'm fine," I reply. He gets out and jogs to my side helping me out.
Liam pays for our tickets and we head into the darkened room, sitting in the back row. Liam puts his arm around me and I settle into his side a little bit, getting comfy.

The movie was pretty good and we walk hand and hand back to the jeep. A few minutes later we pull up in front of an old time ice cream parlour but instead of getting out Liam leans over and kisses my cheek, "Have fun and I'll see you in a bit."
The door opens and I jump, only to find Colton, and I smile as they chuckle.

Colton takes my hand and leads me inside, we each order and go sit down. We talk a bit more but mostly concentrate on eating our ice cream, and this has to be the best ice cream I've tasted. We finish and he throws our trash away before walking us outside.
We get to his jeep but he doesn't open the door, instead he leans against it pulling me to him by my hips. He slowly lowers his head licking his lips and sending my heart rate through the roof. When he looks at my lips, I swallow hard and I see him do the same, then his lips are on mine. They are gentle but firm, and I melt against him a little bit.
He pulls away all too soon and smiles. "Thank you sweetheart, this is the best date I've ever had," he says before his lips are on mine again. I revel in the feeling.

A throat clearing has us pulling apart. Colton has an 'I ate the canary' smile and I turn to find Liam looking amused. I smile back, "Hi," I manage.
"Hey, are you ready to go with me?" Liam asks and I nod, looking back at Colton he hugs me tight, "Go have fun, I'll see you tomorrow sweetie." He kisses my forehead and lets me go.

Liam and I walk hand and hand down Main Street, having an easy conversation. I'm surprised when we reach the house.
"I've had a great evening Liam," I say as we reach the door. He smiles but doesn't reply, instead he grabs me around the waist and pulls me to him bending his head, pausing with his lips near mine. "I can honestly say it's been the best night I've ever had," he whispers before closing the gap between our lips and pressing gently. It is almost like he's testing my reaction, so I lean in, fusing his lips to mine and I feel like I could float away.
Pulling back he says, "If I let myself go any further than a simple goodnight kiss, I won't leave." I smile and he kisses me on the forehead. "Goodnight baby," he says backing away. "Goodnight" I whisper.
Stepping inside I let out a giggle feeling giddy. I think I should feel weird or bad but neither happen. I just feel happy.

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