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~Picture of Olivia

*one month later*

I paced back and forth in the tiny space that I used as a room in my aunts small two bedroom house.

Normally that wouldn't bother me how small her place is, it's not like I'm very big myself, but damn this was ridiculous. I hadn't been allowed out since we got here. I wasn't even allowed to go when all my parents possessions had been sold.

Not being able to take it anymore, I put on my running shoes, grabbed my iPod and quietly headed to the living room. Just as I reached the front door I hear my aunt. "Where in the world do you think you'rr going?" she growled out.

"For a run, I can't take it anymore," I calmly state. Shit she looks pissed

"You're not going anywhere!" She shouted.

"I believe I am," I say, not backing down this time.

"The hell if you are!" she shouts, grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

I've had enough. "I'm going for a fucking run, I can't take this!" I say firmly and yank my arm back. I reach for the door handle again only to be yanked back.

"You're staying here!" My aunt shouts again, blocking my way. It's time like this I wished I wasn't so small.

Defeated and angry, I head back to my room before turning around. "What are you going to do, when school starts in a month?" I ask, and smirk when I think I've won.

"You will be finishing your education in the next town over," she says, like it's that simple.

"So I can go to school, just not here?" I'm beyond confused about all this.

"You will not be seen in this town."

What the.. Rolling my eyes, I slam my bedroom door and start pacing again, still restless. I don't understand why she brought me here if I'm not allowed outside! Not to mention just to go school in the next town over.

Hours later and I still restless, I heard my aunt go to bed. I'm considering taking off, I have got to run this anxious feeling off. It's been to long. I've run everyday for the past two years and this small space is slowly driving me crazy. Besides, what could be so bad outside in this small community that I can't go running?

Making up my mind, I once again put on my running shoes, grab my iPod, and head towards the door, being as quiet as I can be. I send a silent prayer as I reach the door, turn the handle and head out as soon as I shut it behind me. Once out, I let loose and push myself to my limits, letting everything go. My parents death, my thoughts, and most importantly questions as to why my aunt flipped out.

I ran five miles before slowing down and turning around to head back. I was a few blocks from my aunts house when I felt like something or someone was watching me. A glance around showed nothing out of place. Shaking my head, I picked up the pace and made it back to my aunts without incident. Trying to hear inside for sounds, I slowly open the door nob and walk in to find my aunt with her arms crossed.

"Where in the fuck have you been Olivia?" she yells

I stand as straight as possible and reply, "Out for a run." I turned to my room, but before I can get to far, she yanks me back.

"I told you to stay in this house!" she said, sneering.

Having enough, I pull my arm back and growl. Wait, growl? Where did that come from? Wherever it came from, it works. My aunts head drops and she walks away without another word.

I grabbed clothes and headed to the shower, baffled by what just happened. After I showered and blow dried my hair, I lay in bed wondering what happened a little bit ago.

Exhaustion over took me and I slept peacefully.

I had been awake for an hour, just trying to figure out what happened last night. Getting up, I head to the kitchen needing food. My aunt is in there cleaning up when she sees me. She doesn't say a word. Instead, she puts her head down and walks out of the room, leaving me baffled again.

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