First day

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Startling awake, I look at the time 2:30 am. Great, today's the first day of my senior year and I'm up before the rooster crows. I lay in bed for another 30 minutes, just thinking about everything that has happened recently. Losing my parents, my aunt's weird moods, and of course, Colton and Liam.

Knowing I can't lay still any longer, I decide to get up and run. I throw on my sneakers and grab my iPod. I know I'm supposed to call the boys and I'm still worried about the wolves, but I need this time and this time I'll stick to town.
I reach the three mile mark and start feeling eyes on me. I slow down but don't stop, while taking a look around. Seeing nothing I continue on. Once I've run five miles, I turn around. I still have that eerie feeling of eyes on me, but can see no one.

I let out a scream when I feel arms go around my waist and start to struggle. When the ear buds are pulled out my ears, I hear Liam shouting, "Olivia, I know I damn well told you to call me or Colton when you went running!" before softening his voice and continuing. "What would have happened if I had been someone that wanted to harm you? What then?" Liam asked.
"Who would want to harm me?" I asked, causing Liam's eyes to narrow.
"You never know, now do you?" He questioned and I shrugged.
"It was three am" I reply.
Liam let out a heavy sigh. "Olivia, trust me when I say, neither Colton or I care what time it is. Your safety is above our sleep."
"I'm Sorry" I mumble out before putting my ear buds in and taking off.

Once I hit the front yard I turn to see Liam behind me. "I'm home safe, you can go now" a little irritated with myself. He looks into my eyes and walks up to me while pleading, "Please promise me you'll listen next time?"
I shrugged, letting him know I wasn't making any promises. With that I walk in the door, shut and lock it, before heading to the kitchen.

I pulled into the high school parking lot, found a stall and parked.
Grabbing my stuff, I take a deep breath and open the door handle, stepping out I look around. When I get shoved hard into the door, I rub at my arm and meet narrowed brown eyes. "You can't have Liam, he's mine" she sneers before strutting off.

Sighing I head into school. What a great start to my first day, I'm already hating the whole small town thing, I think.
I'm looking at my paper while trying to find my locker when I bump into a chest. "I've told you before to watch where you're going."
I groan and look up to find Liam. "Sorry." I mumble, and go to move around him but he pulls me back. "Hey!" I start, only to have Liam's hand cover my mouth.
"Olivia, your locker is right here" he says pointing in the right direction.
"How did you know where it was?" I ask, when he removes his hand.
He just shrugs. "Lucky guess" he says. I don't believe him, but before I can say anything else, an arm wraps around my shoulder. "Well hello there, gorgeous," Colton breathes into my ear, and I turn and smile at him. "Are you in between us" Colton asks, pointing at himself and Liam while I just nod.
How the heck did this happen? I wonder. It was my last class of the day and if my calculations were correct, it was a class with Liam.
Yes I had noticed a pattern. Liam or Colton were in every single one of my classes, it appeared. They seemed to be alternating and they had even insisted on eating lunch with me.
I watched as Liam entered and sat in the seat next to me. And then I watched as the same girl from this morning, came over and hopped onto his table, and I found myself feeling... jealous?
I had no claim on him but I was ready to tear this girl apart as I watched her run a fingertip across Liam's chest. "Well hello hot stuff, when are you going to take me out?" She asked batting her eyes.
What happened next surprised and pleased me to no end. Liam pushed her away and narrowed his eyes "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT WHAT SO EVER!" Liam shouted. The girl looked scared and quickly went to her seat as the bell rang and the teacher walked in.
I turned my head but not before I caught Liam smile at me. He really should do that more often, I think.

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