Unexpected family

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I wake up still feeling giddy.
I stretch and getting out of bed, I grab my phone sending a text to Liam and Colton letting them know that I'll be leaving for my run soon. I put on my shoes, grab my iPod and head out the back door within a few minutes.
Reaching the tree line I see my boy's right where I figured they would be, they smile as they spot me and with a kiss on the cheek from both, we take off into the trees.

We run in silence and once we reach the pond we take a seat on the bench with me in the middle. We're not there very long when I hear someone approaching but I can't see who as Liam turns and is now blocking me.
"Liam, Colton. Hello," comes a voice I don't recognize. They both jump up and together say "Hello sir." The unknown man chuckles, "No worries boys, I'm here for leisure not for business," and they both seem to relax. "Well are you going to introduce me son?"
Liam nods, "Of course." Liam holds out his hand to me and I take it standing up to look at the man in front of me.
He doesn't seem old enough to be Liam's dad but I can clearly see the resemblance.
"I'm Darren and you must be Olivia," he says holding out his hand. I take it and he shakes it briefly before looking back at Liam and Colton. "She's a beauty, you're both very lucky," Darren says.
"Thank you, sir" they reply together.
Darren takes a deep breath then speaks again. "You were correct, she's definitely strong and will be perfect as a leader in the pack. When it's time of course," he pauses and looks at me. "Welcome to the family and pack," he finishes. Looking at me he must see my confusion. "What's wrong? You seem confused." he says before looking at the boys who seem to be frozen. They just stand there. "You boys didn't... My lord... What is wrong with the two of you? Idiots!" Darren trails off, pauses then continues, "If you lose her... Just fix it!" He demands and storms off in the same way he came from.

I'm so confused once again. My head is spinning with everything that has just been said.
I sit on the bench and Liam and Colton join me.
"Well, are you going to explain?" I ask.
"Things around here are different. People around here are different," Liam states and I look at him. "And?" I question.
"We run much like a wolf pack, my dad being head honcho," Liam continues.
"Okay, and?" I say.
"Liam will take over for his dad when he retires of sorts. I'll be second in command when my dad retires and hands over the reins." Colton says.
"Okay so what did Darren mean, that you were correct I'm strong and will make a perfect leader?" I ask.
"Well we're hoping you will be by our sides, until the very end." Liam says. And my jaw drops.
"Sweetie, not yet, but when the time is right. We care a great deal for you and you're who we choose." Colton finishes. Well that takes care of my next question. I still feel slightly confused and like there's something huge I'm missing, but I let it go.
I must be silent to long because when Liam speaks I jump, causing them both to chuckle. "Olivia baby, are you okay? I wanted to wait..." Liam trails off and I think I nod. We sit in silence for a few moments then Colton talks, "So you'll give this, us a chance?" He asks and I find my voice. "Yeah okay."
Though I thought I already was, maybe now that it seemed like more of a commitment, they were asking again? Shaking off my thoughts. I find them both staring at me "What?" I ask and they smile but shake their heads. We sit for a bit longer but I'm starving.
"I'm hungry and ready to head home," I say getting up.

"Can we come in?" Liam asks as we reach the house. I must looked as shocked as I feel. "What sweetheart? We ask... Once in a while." Colton smirks and I roll my eyes at him, opening the door. I grab a few waters and start on some food, nothing fancy just toast, eggs and bacon.
I'm finishing up when I feel arms go around me. "You didn't have to cook for us," Liam whispers. I turn and smile, "No big deal." I say.
"Thank you sweetheart." Colton says as we finish up.
"You're welcome," I reply reaching for the dishes.
"Nuh-uh, we will clean up, you cooked." Colton says. Well I'm not going to argue with that, I could get used to this.

After the mess is cleaned up we head to my room to watch a movie. I must fall asleep because the next thing I know I'm shaking. No I'm not shaking. Someone's laughing is jiggling me, "Baby wake up." comes Liam's voice and I stretch, my hand connecting with flesh. I sit up too fast and end up hitting Liam in the face with the back of my head.
Looking at them for the first time, I see both of them are holding their noses and I blush.
"I'm sorry," I mumble out.
"Well you got both of our noses for waking you up, what do we get if we ask you to move so we can get a late lunch?" Colton asks with a smile.
"I'm sorry." I say again.
"Don't worry baby, we're fine. But are you ready for something to eat?" Liam asks and I nod, realizing I am hungry. "Um, I could use a shower first," I state, realizing I never changed after our run and now probably stink.
"Go ahead. We will be back within a half hour," Liam says kissing my forehead and scooting off the bed. Colton follows with a kiss to my cheek.

I quickly shower, get dressed and I'm just finishing up when Liam and Colton show back up. I grab my stuff and we head out. We grab food to go from the cafe and head to the small park. We sit at a bench and enjoy our meal.
"Not the best second date," Liam murmurs and I smile at him.
"It's perfect," I say kissing his cheek.
"Hey! Where's mine?" Colton exclaims, and I oblige. We finish and throw are trash away and decide to walk around the park. We are almost around it when a girl comes out of nowhere and jumps on Colton who catches her. I growl and all eyes turn to me.
Blushing I lower my head and I hear all them laughing, I start to walk away but Colton grabs my wrist stopping me, "Olivia sweetheart, let me introduce you to my sister Laura." He says and I've never felt so embarrassed.
"Sorry," I mumble out. But Laura laughs.
"Don't worry about it toots, I would be the same way. You have every right, I shouldn't have done that without saying anything." She says and I smile looking up but before I can say anything she squeals. "Oh my god, you're gorgeous! I wasn't paying attention earlier. Way to go big brother." She laughs again then pulls me into a hug. "I'm so glad these two lugs got so lucky. I can't wait, one more year then..." She's cut off when Colton puts his hand over her mouth. "Woah, breath." He says giving her a narrow eyed glare. She nods and he removes his hand. "Sorry, everyone says I can be a jabber box sometimes. Anywho, I just wanted to see you before I headed on home." She says hugging Colton and waving at us.

"She was at a camp for the summer but she'll be starting school with us on Monday." Colton says answering my unasked question.
"Am I just going to meet family members here and there or are y'all going to officially introduce me at some point in time?" I ask.
"I'll set something up" Liam says.
Satisfied we get to the jeep and head back to the house.

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