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Liam, Colton and I make our way slowly back to the house, pretty quietly throwing out a few comments here and there. The closer we get I swear I hear chatter. When we approach the back of the house, I stop to listen.
No. No, please don't be coming from inside.
"What's wrong baby?" Liam asks, searching my face with his eyes.
"How many people are in there?" I whisper loudly. The two boys' chuckle.
"We won't know until we get in there, so let's go sweetheart." Colton says grabbing my hand. "We won't leave your side all night. Promise." Liam says solemnly. I nod.
"Alright, let's go." I say, gathering all the courage I can.
"It will be fine." Liam half mumbles.
"Surprise!" Comes a chorus of voices. I take a look around and there's easily seventy five people.
"Mom, what's this about?" Liam asks. Seemingly giving us some privacy, someone starts talking to their neighbour and soon everyone is chattering again but their eyes are still on us. Just the allusion of people not paying attention has me breathing easier.
"It's for a couple of reasons. First, to welcome Olivia not only to the family but also home. Second, for her recovery." Ashlynn finishes.

I'm not at all sure what happened next, I was lost in my thoughts at Ashlynn's words of home, something I hadn't thought of or felt since moving, but I do here. I land on the floor with a thump.
"Laura!" Jenny, Zachary and Colton exclaim together.
"Sorry, thought she was paying attention." Laura mumbles, pushing herself up. After Liam helps me up, Laura throws her arms around me and squeals.
"I'm so excited. Another girl in the house." She says letting me go as Colton and Liam surrounds us. A throat clears.
"Excuse me, but the last time I checked I'm still a female and I'm sure Ashlynn is too." Jenny lightly teases.
"I assure you that I'm also still female" Ashlynn says. The twin boys approach the small group that we make up, throwing their arms around each side of my waist surprising me. "I'm Jayden and this is Jordan." The one on my left says, pointing to his spitting image.
"Hi." I say smiling.
"We didn't stay the last time, we had a slumber party with Dylan. Anyways welcome." Jordan says.
"Oh yeah welcome!" Jayden exclaims.
"That was all, right mom?" Jordan says.
"Yes. Go play" Ashlynn smiles at them.
"Welcome to the family Olivia. Now. Zachary, Liam and Colton I need you all in my office, for a few minutes, then we can enjoy the party." Darren says, hugging me briefly, kissing Ashlynn on the cheek and striding off.
"Welcome Olivia." Zachary hugs me, kisses Jenny and follows Darren.
"Shit. Baby I'm sorry. I swear I don't mean to break my promise." Liam says.
"It's okay, I understand." I say.
"Sweetheart we will return as soon as possible." Colton says kissing my cheek. Liam comes over and kisses my other cheek, before both of my boys take off following their dads.
"Olivia dear, let's get you introduced around." Ashlynn says. Jenny and Ashlynn lead me around and introduce me to everyone and everyone seems friendly enough.
"Sorry baby, that took longer than expected." Liam says, coming from behind me. "Sweetheart are you doing alright?" Colton questions joining us.
"It's okay, I'm alright. Everyone seems pretty nice." I smile at them.
"Well. Guess that's our cue." Jenny says hugging me.
"Have fun and don't forget to eat. We're going to mingle." Ashlynn says also hugging me.
So many hugs, I wonder if it stops.

Colton leads me to find a seat as Liam goes to fix a plate for him and me.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Colton asks again.
"Yes I'm fine, everyone has truly been welcoming." I say sincerely.
"Good." Colton says kissing my temple.
"There you are." Comes Jenny's voice.
"Yes mom?" Colton questions.
"Your dad, Darren, Ashlynn and myself would like a few moments before you three scurry upstairs." She says.
"No problem. We will find you when we finish eating." Liam says handing me a plate.
"Well it may be a better idea to wait until guests' leave." She says.
"Okay." Liam replies with a nod. Dread sets in as Jenny leaves.
"Don't worry baby." Liam says sitting down next to me.
"Sweetheart I'll be back" Colton says.

The rest of the night passes quickly. We talked to a lot more people as they seemed to keep showing up. I was exhausted but knew we still had the parents to talk to.
"Baby are you ready to talk to the parents so we can go up to bed?" Liam asks.
"Yeah I think so." I say. I look around for a clock and finding one, I'm shocked that it's 3 am. "What sweetheart?" Colton questions.
"The time." I say pointing. They both chuckle.
"Come on." Liam says, grabbing my hand.
We find Darren, Ashlynn, Zachary and Jenny in the kitchen saying goodbye to a couple of stragglers.
"Ready?" Darren questions.
"Yeah." Liam says.
"Alright. Let's go" Darren says. We all file out the kitchen, Colton and Liam each holding one of my hands. We reach a door that Darren unlocks. Taking a look around I would assume it would be his office.
"Have a seat." Darren says, gesturing to the different chairs around the room. Everyone sits but Darren who remains standing, leaning against his desk.
"Olivia why are you sitting stiff as a board?" Darren asks looking at me.
"Uh, I hadn't realized I was." I say.
"Relax, you're okay. Nobody's in trouble." Darren smiles and I relax a bit as Liam rubs my back and Colton just holds my hands rubbing circles relaxing me further.
"Once again welcome to the family Olivia." Darren says smiling a bit.
"Thank you." I say.
"You're most welcome. Now why we are in here." Darren says. "First off. School. We think for the remainder of the school year that it would be for the best if the three of you just go through your studies here at the house. Ashlynn can finish you up and three of you will earn you're diplomas." Darren pauses looking around. "This will also make it easier to work with Olivia. I know that you boys will want to be there for her first change but I want to know immediately when it happens." He finishes.
"Agreed." Both boys say together.
"Olivia?" Darren asks with a raised eyebrow. "Oh. Agreed." I say.
"Good. I know you may have some questions and I promise they will get answered but I want to get through a few other things, and I'm sorry, but the rest is not so easy" Darren says.
I really don't like the sound of that.

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