Some answers

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I listen as my aunt opens the door.
"No. You can't be here," she says. Then I hear a second voice and I groan. I should have answered their texts. "Where's Olivia Claire?" Liam asks.
"She's not here," my aunt quivers out.
"Don't lie. Colton, go check the bedrooms" Liam commands. I hide under my covers and hear the door open. Laughing, Colton yells to Liam, "I found her." I hear him move closer and tug at the blankets gently. "Alright sweetheart, you're going to have to talk to us." Colton says. "No" I mumble out. The truth is I want to, I just don't want to be lied to.

"Olivia!" Liam's voice comes from much closer than before.
"Get out my house!" My aunt sounds more pleading than commanding.
"You have no authority Claire." Liam says before tugging my blanket off of me. "Colton, take Olivia to..." He trails off and I hear duel growls. Pointing at my aunt, Liam bites out, "Claire what happened? She didn't have those an hour ago." His voice is hard and full of command. I expect my aunt to lash out but instead she bows her head. Confused I go to speak, but Colton tosses me over his shoulder, "not now sweetie."
I pound on Colton's back. "Put me down you baboon!" He just laughs and I get angry again. "This isn't funny!" He laughs some more and I huff back at him.
Going silent, I stop struggling. I will get answers this time, it's all just too crazy.

A little while longer, I'm set on my feet. Crossing my arms I take a look around and we are in front of the café. "You threw me over your shoulder and walked to the cafe, all on orders from Liam. Why?" I demand. Colton grabs my hand and I try to pull back
"Just stop for a minute Olivia. Please just come in and have a slice of cake?" Colton pleads. Not really wanting to leave, I follow him inside.

After we are seated and each have a slice of chocolate cake and a glass of milk, I raise my brow. "Are you going to talk?" I ask. Colton sighs. I hear the bell jingle and turn slowly to see Liam. I would be lying if I wasn't happy, despite the way he treats people.
Liam slides in next to me "Olivia, tell me about your duel bruises" he commands, softer than I've ever heard him. "Before you try lying, I already know, I just need you to say the words" he says softly.
I sigh "No real reason to tell you if you already know" I mumble out.
"Ok, I won't make you say it, but you should know your aunt will be gone for a week. When she returns though, if it happens again you are to tell me" he says.
I'm more confused than ever. We sit in silence for a few minutes and Colton and I eat while I am trying to process what's going on.

Finally I feel able to speak. I look at both of them before letting my eyes land on the table and start speaking. "What's going on here? You came into my aunt's house. Liam is giving orders which everyone obeys, now my aunt has gone for a week and still no one is saying anything! Not to mention all the crazy stuff with the wolves. I want answers!" I exclaim.
Looking up, I see both sets of eyes on me. Colton gets up, holding out his hand and Liam goes over to the counter.
"Really?" I say, ready to take off but Colton just grabs my hand
"You want to talk, we're going to take you to talk." He smiles.
"Let's go. My jeep is out the front" Liam says grabbing my other hand. We make it to the door when a group of three guys around our age stops in front of "Liam.
"Colton" one says nodding his head "Oh, is this..."
Liam cuts him off by holding his hand up "Not now" Liam says.
The boys nod "Well congrats, the both of you."
I'm confused again, but Liam speaks up, "Now is not the time. We will discuss this later." Liam is glaring as he is pulling me along. "Thanks man. She's a beauty huh?" Colton whispers to them. I'm sure I wasn't supposed to hear it, but I had, and now I'm more confused than ever.

Liam lifts me up, putting his hands on my waist and warming my skin.
After Colton climbs in, Liam starts up the jeep and we take off.
We drive in silence for an hour and I'm starting to worry that they may be leading me to my death. A few more twist and turns and we park. Now I'm sure they are taking me to my death.
"Don't worry, we just want to show you something. Not your death." Colton says helping me out the jeep. "Olivia, we won't hurt you." Liam says, grabbing my hand. With Colton right on my heels, we make our way through the trees to a clearing. It's small and beautiful. I let out a gasp as Colton tugs me down onto his lap and Liam sits near us, having me lean against him.

"Olivia, you're special to us. We don't ever want to see you hurt. Your aunt has been sent away for the week to protect you. Nobody gets hurt here, and those who cause harm must leave for a while. A cooling off period, if you will. It's the best thing that works around here." Liam pauses and Colton starts in "As to the wolves around here, I know you're confused, but truly the best thing is using a command and not being scared. You won't need to worry, because if you agree or not, we will always be around. Whether it's next to you, or behind you like stalkers." Colton finishes.
Before I can say anything, Liam jumps back in, "Sorry if this confuses you, but it's just the way it is and how it will continue to be. It's for your safety and our piece of mind. Like I said you're special to us." he finishes.

I'm baffled. I can sense that they are telling the truth, but I can't help feel like I am missing something. Something big.

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