Too much

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Once we finished eating, I snuggled into Colton and was almost immediately asleep.
Now I was just laying here enjoying being snuggled between Colton and Liam with no plans to move. I felt a finger trace up my spine causing me to shiver and I smile knowing I'm no longer alone in being awake.
"Good morning baby." Liam whispers, then kisses the back of my neck.
"Good morning." I whisper back.
"Good morning sweetheart!" Colton cheerfully says, then chuckles.
"Now then, since everyone's awake should we go running?" I ask eagerly.
"Of course love." Liam gently replies.

I meet my boys in the kitchen after I get ready to go. We head out the back and take off in a different direction.
"Where we going?" I ask confused.
"Nowhere special, just going in a different direction sweetheart." Colton answers me. We run in silence for a while before turning to head back towards home.
Again, within a mile of the house I feel like someone has eyes on me.
"Baby, pick up the speed." Liam quietly commands. Without answering him I gradually pick up speed. We make it back to the house without incident.
"Baby I'm sorry. Colton and I need to go talk to dad and Zachary." Liam says.
"It's okay. I understand." I say. Colton kisses my cheek and Liam kisses my temple before rushing off towards Darren's office.

I head up the stairs deciding to take a shower. I finish my shower, get dressed and brush my hair, before going into my room, I take a look around the room and it's a bit of mess so I clean up then realize I have a full basket of dirty laundry.
I decide to go find the washer and dryer then I realize I wasn't shown where they are. I grab the laundry basket, before heading down the stairs where I run into Jenny.
"Hey! What are you up to dear?" She asks. I hold the laundry basket in front of me.
"Oh! Let me take that." she says, holding her arms out.
"I can do it if you show me where." I state.
"I'll show you but let me help." She says.
"Uh, okay." I say. I follow her to a room off the kitchen and had I been paying attention,
I would have found it earlier.
Jenny takes the basket before I can object and starts a load.
"Now. Shall we see what everyone else is doing?" She asks.
"Sure!" I excitedly agree, not wanting to think about what the boys are doing. All the guys were out still chasing our trespassers, Laura was in her room and so were the twins and we finally found Ashlynn in Darren's office looking at some papers.
"Hey there! What's going on?" Ashlynn cheerfully asks looking up.
"Well I was thinking that we should have a movie marathon!" Jenny squeals. Ashlynn beams. "Of course! Now, has our little lady here eaten?" Ashlynn nods her head towards me causing me to blush slightly.
"I haven't eaten." I quietly reply.
"That's fine. I haven't either. I'll just whip up a couple omelettes and we will watch a movie while we eat." Ashlynn says smiling brightly.
Twenty minutes later we're sitting in front of the TV eating delicious omelettes watching a sappy love movie. Without warning Ashlynn jumps up and walks out the room but within seconds she's back.
"Jenny we've got to go. Olivia dear can you watch the twins? None of you are to leave this house." She rushes out, the last part a command.
"Everything okay?" I ask jumping up.
"Yes, we will return shortly." With that, she and Jenny are out of the sitting room and moments later I hear the back door click shut.

They had been gone twenty minutes already ready and I was starting to worry, what if something had happened? I start chewing on my bottom lip as I paced. I was still pacing when Laura made her way down and into the sitting room.
"Where's mom?" She asks, causing me to pause in my pacing.
"They had to take off. I don't know for sure but I think they went wherever the guys are looking into trespassers." I say before starting my pacing again.
"Okay. Well a couple of my friends are on their way over, I'm going to the movies." She says heading for the door.
"No!" I shout. "I mean. Ashlynn said we are all to stay here." I say quieter than before. Laura shrugs and pulls out her phone I'm guessing sending out a text, before putting it back in her pocket. Coming back to the sitting room she plops down on the couch.
"I'll hang out with you then!" She exclaims. I smile at her. I'm saved from Laura's obsessive chatter when the two women come in about fifteen minutes later. When they enter I jump up and look around.
"They're not back dear but don't worry there all fine, nobody got hurt we just put on a chase." Ashlynn assures me. I nod a smile at her. "I better check on the twins, unless they came out of there room while we were out?" Ashlynn questions.
"I haven't seen them." I reply, realizing I never did check on them. Maybe I should have. "I'm sorry." I rush out. Ashlynn smiles and shakes her head.
"It's fine. They're in a mood anyways, with no one being able to take them outside." She says with a wave of her hand.
It's not much longer when Liam and Colton finally come strutting in.
"Alright. You ladies have had our girl long enough." Colton says as he scoops me up. "Say bye Olivia." Colton says. I let out a giggle.
"Bye Olivia." I say to the room.
"Bye." They say all together, smiling.
"Dinner tonight at 7pm." Ashlynn hollers at us.

Colton lays me on the bed then lays down beside me, Liam joining on the other side.
"Now baby, what would you like to do this afternoon?" Liam asks.
"Well is it sad to say I just want to relax here? I feel like there's so much drama nowadays." I reply sheepishly.
"Not a problem. Sounds like a wonderful idea." Liam winks at me and with a huge grin, he bends down and gives me a soft kiss.
"I know one thing, we've got to take you on some dates." He adds before completely pulling back. Colton pulls me to him and we settle in as Liam starts flipping through the channels. "What happened today?" I finally ask.
"We just ended up giving chase." Liam answers.
"Why did you need your moms?" I ask.
"So they could double back and check to make sure it was just two of them." Colton answers this time.
"Okay. Do you have a clue on who it is?" I ask.
"Not yet sweetheart." Colton says. Liam stops changing the channel.
"You can't go on runs or into battle yet, but as long as dad approves I think it's time we inform you on everything that you'll be included in later on, like mom and Jenny are." Liam says suddenly.
"We need to teach her everything also." Colton adds.
"We can discuss this later. Right now let's just sit here and watch mindless TV" Liam says and I snuggle into Colton's side.

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