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I sign the papers in front of me and before I can set the pen down Jenny is pulling me from the room.
"Jenny, sweetheart," Zachary says sounding slightly amused.
"What?" She questions. "Maybe Colton and Liam would like to take her." He chuckles out.
"Fine." Jenny huffs, crossing her arms.
"Maybe we can go with them to show her the room and leave them to enjoy it?" Ashlynn suggests.
"Yeah let's do that!" Jenny exclaims. Jenny and Ashlynn excitedly lead the way almost skipping, their husbands right on their heels, with the three of us trailing behind. We stop in front of a door just down the hallway from Colton and Liam's room.
"If you don't like it we can change it up for you." Jenny says, her hand on the door.
"It will be perfect." I say smiling. Jenny turns the door handle and they all move slightly away so I can make my way in. When I don't move right away, Liam gives me a gentle shove forward and I take a few tentative steps, stopping at the door way. I look around and let out a soft gasp. The room is beautiful, it's mostly white with a bit of light blue adding just a bit of colour and it's perfect.
"What do you think?!" Jenny excitedly asks.
"Beautiful." I breathe out.
"Okay. Ashlynn, Jenny let's go. I'll give you ten minutes then we need to leave." Darren commands.
"Sweetheart I'm sorry but we need to leave." Colton says from his spot beside me as we lounge on the bed.
"We can stay in here tonight or any night you would like." Liam adds.
"Tonight" I smile at the two of them.
"Sounds good baby." Liam chuckles out. I slide off the bed and head to the adjoined bathroom.
"Uh, sweetheart?" Colton questions.
"I've got business to tend to." I answer but truthfully I want to check out the luxury bathroom. "Baby don't check out your bathroom too long." Chuckles Liam.
When I emerge, both of my boys stand near the door with smiles and they each hold out a hand, with a smile I grab one of each and we head down the stairs.

Both sets of parents are waiting at the bottom of stairs.
"Now that we're all here let's go." Darren says.
"I don't have much stuff." I mumble, realizing they all planned on coming along. "Nevertheless we will all go and help out." Zachary states heading towards the door. I shrug guess they'll learn soon enough besides clothes I own very little possessions.
Colton helps me up into Liam's jeep as the parents pile into a blue truck. We take off towards that woman's house with the parents behind us as we make our way through town.

We pull into the driveway as the parents park at the curb instead of pulling behind my truck or Liam's jeep. I quickly make my way up to the door, finding the spare key I unlock the door.
"Is all your stuff in the bedroom?" Darren asks. I nod my head and the seven of us make our way to the bedroom.
"Uh, there's only two boxes of stuff still boxed up in the closet, my clothes and the few pictures." No sooner do I finish speaking and Liam has both boxes in his arms walking out.

Colton is pulling clothes out of the closet, the two women are packing up the clothes in the dresser, as Zachary grabs the pictures and packs them in between the clothes. When Liam comes back him and Darren take the clothes on hangers on out.
The flowers are wilted and dead as they sat to long and I start taking them out saddened at the fact.
"What's wrong baby?" Liam asks as he's carrying the rest of the hanging clothes out.
"The flowers." I say.
"I'll get you more then." He smiles at me.
"More of what?" Colton asks coming out of the room.
"Flowers" Liam states. Before I can object or anything they both stride away.

Within an hour everything is packed away in the back of the truck besides the clothes I hang, they are in the back of the jeep. I set my key on the counter. Though she won't be returning I just don't want the key anymore.
"Baby you're driving your truck back to the house, Colton and I will be there just shortly." Liam kisses my cheek. "I love you," he adds before jogging to his truck.
"See you soon sweetheart. I love you." Colton says kissing my cheek.
"So sweet." Ashlynn says with a smile causing me to blush slightly.
"Alright. Olivia go ahead and follow us back. When we get back I'll park your truck which will be forever your spot." Darren who for once has a soft smile on his lips. I hop into my truck and wait for them to pull off before I back up following behind.

Darren is standing in front of the garage when I pull into the driveway. There's already the blue truck, a white SUV, and Colton's jeep. He holds his hand up for me to stop, jogging to my side while I hop out.
"It will go between Colton's jeep and where Liam's will be parked, go on in with the women." He says getting into my truck.
I head in to see both mothers standing there with smiles.
"Come along dear." Ashlynn says leading me to the sitting room.
"Here, this is the key to the garage door, here's to the back, this one goes to the front, this one, this one and this one go to the three of your bedrooms. This one goes to Darren's office and this one to Zachary's office." Ashlynn says handing me over the keys.
That is a bunch of keys.
"Don't worry, they're marked with what they are and the only time the rooms and offices are locked is when we have company. Other than that, you may use the offices anytime." Ashlynn adds. Jenny smiles wide.
"Welcome home." she says. For the first time since my parents' death, I feel truly at home. "Thank you." I say, tears brimming my eyes and both women wrap their arms around me.
A throat clearing has us pulling away.
"Sorry. Um, Olivia here's your truck keys." Darren says before scurrying away. The other two woman laugh lightly.
"Can run a wolf pack, but place crying woman in front of him and he hasn't got a clue." Ashlynn giggles. I join in and it feels nice, but I'm desperately missing my mom at this moment.

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