Can you repeat that

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"Dad, maybe we should leave the rest until morning." Liam half pleads.
"He's right it's almost four in the morning." Ashlynn speaks up.
"It's up to you Olivia." Darren says looking at me.
"Can it wait until morning?" I ask nervously.
"Yes, this whole conversation could have waited and I should have insisted. It's late, go on to bed." Darren says. No sooner his words are out Liam lifts me up and Colton opens the door. "Goodnight!" Comes from the four adults.
"Goodnight" I say. Colton shuts the door. "You didn't say goodnight" I say.
"Goodnight!" They exclaim together and I hear chuckles from the other side of the door. Colton hands me some clothes to sleep in and I take a quick shower just realizing I met all those people in my running gear and sweaty. I come out of the bedroom and see they have also showered and gotten changed into clean clothes.
"Come on baby." Liam says patting the bed. I climb in and Colton turns off the light. "Goodnight gorgeous." Colton says snuggling into my back as I snuggle into Liam. "Goodnight." I reply.
"Goodnight baby." Liam says.
"Goodnight" I say. Warm and comfortable I feel myself start to drift.


"Sleeping beauty." Colton whispers into my ear waking me.
"Morning..." I sleepily reply into the pillow. Colton chuckles.
"Come on gorgeous, Liam will be back shortly." Colton says.
"Where did he go?" I question lifting my head and look at him.
"He went to deal with something." He answers.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"It's 8:00 am." He says. I let out a groan, no wonder I still feel tired.
"I know sweetheart but I promise, we get through today, tomorrow we get to lounge around the house. It's been decided already." He smiles.

I come out of the bathroom ready to go for a run. Looking around the room I spot Liam and I smile at him as he strides forward.
"Good morning baby." he says planting a soft kiss on my lips.
"Good morning." I softly reply. He grabs my hand heading towards the bedroom door. "Where's Colton?" I ask.
"He had something to do. He will be here waiting when we get back" Liam answers. We make our way through the house and I notice I don't see anyone.
"Where's everyone at?" I question as we take off.
"You'll see them later baby" he answers.

"Baby go take a shower and I'll meet you back here." Liam says as we return from our run. I grab the change of clothes that is sitting on the bed and head to the shower. I take a quick shower and get dressed before heading back into the room.
"Ready?" Liam questions.
"For what?" I ask. He pulls me close.
"My love, we have to finish our conversation." he says. With his words my stomach turns a bit.
"Yeah, I guess." I whisper.
"It will be okay, Colton and I will be there the whole time." he says kissing my forehead and grabbing my hand pulling me from the room.

I see Colton standing in front of the office door when we approach. He smiles wide and scoops me up into a tight hug.
"Let's get this over sweetheart." he says setting me back on the floor.
"Everyone else already in there?" Liam gestures toward the door with his head.
"Yes I was just waiting on the two of you." Colton replies, rapping on the door a couple of times.
"Come on in." Comes Darren's voice. The butterflies in my tummy takes flight as Colton turns the door handle. Everyone is turns and looks in our direction with small smiles.
"Have a seat." Darren commands. We each take a seat with me in between Liam and Colton. "Now that everyone has arrived let's begin." Darren says leaning against his desk. I take a deep breath already not liking this.
"Olivia it's okay, we will all be here." Ashlynn states from her seat.
"This won't be easy and I'm sorry." Darren pauses looking at me.
"Okay." I whisper when he doesn't continue.
"First. Your dreams seem to be pointing you in the right direction. Your mother's brake lines were cut. It was no accident and we have our suspicions on who it was. Also we know what was in the needle that you saw injected into her. It was the same stuff that was given to you. We have never seen anything like it. The only reason you're still here with us, is you didn't get a full dose. We are going to look further into it." He pauses again looking at me.
I manage to nod numbly. I feel Colton rubbing my back as Liam squeezes my hand.
"It's alright baby." Liam whispers. I nod again.
"Please continue." I squeak out.
"Right. Second. The woman you were living with is not Claire Baychard. After DNA testing was done, we also found out that she's not your aunt. Again I'm sorry, we took a DNA sample from you without asking but we needed to know." Darren peeks at me before he continues on. "Zachary, Liam, Colton and myself will be working together to connect all the dots. When we do however it will be your decision on what the punishment will be for the woman. At this moment she's sitting in a cell and I can ensure she won't be escaping. She has refused to give her real name at this time. We will also be looking for your real aunt, not that you're going anywhere." He looks at me, but I'm just to numb to speak.
"Olivia dear, do you need a break? This is a lot thrown at you at one time." Ashlynn speaks up.
"Might as well continue." I manage out.
"I promise that's the worst of it." Darren half smiles at me. "Now. You're parents' lawyer has been contacted and is well aware of what has happened. The money that was being fed into her account, has been stopped. With your permission I would like to take over that money. It will be yours and I will give it to you as each instalment is deposited into an account with only your name on it. I would just be the named adult. Also you will be released to mine and Ashlynn's care until your eighteenth birthday if that is what you would like. I have the papers here for you to sign if that's what you choose." He finishes looking at me.
"I uh, yeah I guess." I mumble out.
"If you're unsure, take some time and think about it." Darren says, handing me a couple papers.
"No, let's get this over with." I say.
"Alright. After we're done here I'll go over everything as Zachary witnesses it." He says. "Alright." I reply.
It's not like I have a lot of options and who better than one of the guys you're in love with, parents? Ashlynn stands up and Darren takes her seat.
"I put my foot down to get my way and give you a bit of good news." She says smiling brightly. There's a few chuckles. "We will be picking your stuff up today and we've already prepared your room for you. This isn't a way to separate the three of you, you can continue on as you have been, but more of an escape for you." She finishes smiling.
"Let's go!" Exclaims Jenny who jumps up.
"First she needs to sign papers, then you can show her." Zachary says, speaking for the first time.
"Fine" Jenny replies crossing her arms.

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