What the?2

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I head towards the tree line praying that I don't end up caught by my aunt again.
Reaching Colton and Liam, I can't help but smile.
"Well that's a beautiful smile" Colton says as I go past taking off into the trees.
I came to run not chat, or at least not yet.
Liam's on my right and Colton on my left as we head towards the pond, though it's too late to watch the sun come up, it's still beautiful out and I have questions.
"Olivia, thank you for finally listening" Liam says I ignore him and continue running.

We have been running in silence for about 2 miles when Liam and Colton let out duel growls as I hear a rustling. Both cause me to come to a sudden stop, but I stumble and end up scrawled out on my behind.
Colton picks me up and positions me behind Liam and himself. I peek out between their shoulders standing on my tip toes.
"GO HOME PUP" Liam commands and I snort like that's going to happen. The wolf bows his head, but doesn't listen "GO HOME NOW" Liam commands again. The wolf still doesn't listen not that I expect it to. Grabbing both guys arms I try to pull to no avail.
"Fine, you two stay and get killed I'm going home" I mumble out. I turn to leave but Liam reaches behind and grabs my hands sending familiar tingles down my spine. As Colton grabs my other hand, I feel myself relax fully.
"YOU WILL NOT LIKE THE CONSEQUENCES IF YOU STAY PUP! GO HOME NOW!" Liam commands once more. It seems to work the wolf takes off.

Confused and shocked I look between the two of them. What the?
"Well sweetheart, now that the drama is over, are you ready to continue?" Colton ask smiling. Nodding dazedly, I take off trying to wrap my head around things. They had a lot of explaining to do. I could feel both of them beside me, but I ignored it as best I could and just ran on in complete silence until we reached the pond.

I can feel their eyes on me while I sit down and try to gather my thoughts.
I keep my eyes on the water and swallow before speaking, "How?" is all I manage out loud though. Liam clears his throat, "I'm guessing you're asking about the wolf?" He pauses briefly before continuing, "It's nothing. Young wolves will turn and run when approached in loud voice" he finishes.
I snort. "Like I believe that" I state.
"Sweetheart," Colton starts, but I hold up my hand interrupting him. "I don't want to be lied to" I say crossing my arms.
"Olivia, why would we lie to you?" Liam questions. Realizing I'm not getting any straight answers, I get up only to be pulled roughly back down onto Liam's lap. "Excuse me, I don't like be lied to" I glare at him. Liam just smirks and holds me tighter.
"Sweetheart, we're not lying. Please don't go" Colton pleads, pulling my legs into his lap. "Stay!" Liam commands as I struggle against his hold.
"I'm not a dog" I reply, stopping my struggles. Colton laughs and Liam rolls his eyes, "I know you're not a dog Olivia."
I scoff back, "you sure seem to order me around like one."

I pause and turn slightly so I can look Liam in the eyes "Now, let me go. I've got to get back to my aunt's house."
Liam and Colton let out growls of frustration but let me go.
I take off but don't feel the usual loss. Looking behind me, I see it's because they have started following. Rolling my eyes I continue on. No matter if I want to see and be around them, I don't want to speak to them right now. I have been lied to, there is something serious going on and I'm not getting any answers.
Colton and Liam follow me all the way back. "Olivia please call us if you go out again" Liam commands. Waving my hands I head towards the house.
Walking in through the back door I get flung into the wall hitting my head "YOU SHIT! I HAVE TOLD YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN, STAY IN THIS DAMN HOUSE!" My aunt yells stalking toward me and hitting me hard in the face. Great that's going to bruise, I think. She hits me again. Well at least the bruises will match.
"YOU STUPID SHIT, YOUVE BEEN AROUND OTHERS. I CAN SMELL THEM" she rants. When she raises her fist to hit me again, my senses come back. I stop her fist "Don't you dare hit me again." I stagger to my feet and she takes a step back, bowing her head and mumbling something I don't understand.
What the heck is going on around here?

Sighing I grab some clothes and go to take another shower. I finish getting ready and head to the kitchen. Making myself something to eat and getting a bottle of water, I sit down.
My phone pings and I look down to see a text from Liam.
Liam: I apologize if it seems that we have lied. We mean you no harm.
I ignore it and go back to eating. When my phone pings again, this time it's from Colton. Colton: Sweetheart, please talk to us, we can see you have read Liam's message.
I set my phone down, finish eating, then clean up and head to my room, my phone continuing to ping.

Liam: Answer now Olivia.
Colton: It's for the best.
Colton: Come on beautiful, Liam is angry, at least talk to me

Rolling my eyes I lay down tossing my phone away. I'm about to close my eyes when I hear a knock.

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