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Liam and Colton

The loud knock at the door startles me. Checking the time I realize I was lost in reading much longer than I had intended. Making my way to the door, I open it to find two tall young men standing there.
"I'm Liam, this is Colton. We were asked for an interview?" He asks.
"Of course. Come on in. Please remove your shoes." I say. "Please have a seat." I point at the couch. Once they're seated I remember my manners. "Would you care for anything to drink?" I ask.
"No ma'am." Liam replies.
"Okay then, should we get started?" I look at them and both just nod.

"Alright. First. Besides the obvious, what would be your spirit animal?" I start off.
"Spirit animal? Other than wolf? Let's see... lion. Family, strength, energy, courage, guardian and protector." Liam answers.
"Oh. I would be Tiger. Strength, valour, power and energy." Colton smirks.

"Well okay. Next question. How do you know Olivia is your mate?" I ask.
"You hear 'mate' from your wolf, plus touch, you feel electricity go through your veins." Liam answers.

"Alright. Why did you both run away when you first met Olivia?" I question.
"I was shocked, I thought I would never find a mate." Liam answers.
"I was scared." Colton quietly replies.
"Well at least you weren't complete jerks."

"Next question. What were your thoughts when you discovered Olivia was your mate?" I smile up at the two.
"Well, I thought she was gorgeous but when I touched her and realized she was my mate, as you know I ran away like a scared little pup." Colton grounds out the end.
"If I had been paying attention I would have thought her beautiful but when I realized she was my mate I ended up running shocked." Liam answers.

"Moving on, did the two of you always know you would share a mate?" I curiously ask. "Absolutely not. Not that it's unheard of but it is rare." Liam answers.
"Right. How did you come to the conclusion that you would be perfectly happy sharing a mate?" The boys let out a chuckle before Liam straitens up. "Well it took some time, but what else can we do but be happy we have our mate and she is our priority. Besides who better than your best bud and Beta?" Liam shrugs.

"Wonderful. Liam, why were you rude to Olivia your first couple of meetings?"
"That's something I'll regret for a long time. She was unknown to me and I didn't know how to handle it." Liam lowers his head.

"In the chapter I have named nightmare and news. Liam you weren't there for the run, were you doing anything interesting?" Liam chuckles and shakes his head.
"Not hardly." He answers nonchalant.

"Liam, did you know the wolf that attached Olivia and why it did?" He sighs.
"I did. He was just some young pup, he didn't know better, she was an unknown." He answers.

"Next few are on Olivia." I look up to see the fond smiles on their faces. "Okay, first. When did you realize that she didn't know she was a werewolf?"
"When she was always running on two legs." Colton answers.

"That leads to my next question. How long did you monitor her runs before joining her?"
"I had been watching since the beginning but when I realized it was making her nervous, I backed away until we met her at the pond." Colton answers.

"This also pertains to her running. Why does she feel the need to run and what would happen if she couldn't?"
"It's more of a wolf thing, even if she's exhausted she still needs to run. Nothing bad would happen, though she would jump around like a five year old on a sugar rush." Liam chuckles out. Smiling I look down at the question.

"Don't know if you can answer this, but why does Olivia only have to go away for her first heat but not the rest?"
"Well, I can answer this, mom and I have chatted and it came up. When a female goes through her first heat, they let off the most pheromones and the strongest smell. After that not as much pheromones are released and the smell won't drive every male crazy, just the two of us." Colton mumbles the last part.

"Did y'all ask for an investigation as soon as you found out her parents died in a car wreck?" "We didn't look further into the accident until she confirmed she wanted us to." Liam says. I cringe slightly at the next questions.

"When did you discover that Olivia was being mistreated at home?" A growl sounds and I jump slightly at the sound.
"Sorry. When we showed up the first time." Liam grounds out

"Right. Um. Do you know where the real Claire is?" "Unfortunately not yet but we will find her." Colton answers.
"How long have you known the woman who we were introduced to as Claire? And has she ever done anything else odd to show her evil ways?" Another growl. "She came to us a year before Olivia parents died. She had told my dad that she had been kicked out of her old pack for a misunderstanding. We decided to give her a chance. Anything odd? No not really, though she did keep to herself more than most wolves would or could." Liam answers.

"One more, this one is a bit more fun. What is the worst trouble you got into together as kids?"
"Well. I believe the lot of you will love this. When we were younger about nine Bethany and Nicole tried to kiss us and we shoved them off a cliff. Unfortunately the cliff wasn't too high up and they are avid swimmers but it felt great to do it. We got grounded for a week." Colton smiles.

"I lied there's on more here but..." I show the paper to Liam and Colton who both laugh. Bethany: Can you kindly step on this big ol' X on the floor? Right here. You can't miss it. Perfect. Now hold still and smile pretty for the camera... -pulls a rope connected to a pulley, which is attached to a giant safe dangling from the ceiling-
"Well I'll make you ladies a promise, if you make that a fire pit she falls into, when she steps out of line, I will let you all have your wicked ways with her." Liam grins.

I smile brightly. "Well that's it. Thank you for taking time to do this interview." I stand up holding out my hand.
"You're very welcome." Liam replies shaking my hand. Colton stands and also shakes my hand.
"Thank you for having us." He says before putting his shoes on and following Liam out.

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