Meeting the families

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"Baby, if you want a run, you've got to wake up." Liam whispers in my ear.
"I'm awake," I mumble into my pillow and I hear a couple of chuckles. With a groan I roll over. When Liam and Colton come into view, both slightly leaning over me, I can't help but smile.
"Come on gorgeous, up and at 'em." Colton says smiling. I groan, rub at my eyes and sit up as my boys move out of the way. I notice they're already to go so I slide out of bed and head to the bathroom.

When my morning routine is finished we head out the back, towards the pond. We run in a comfortable silence and it goes by quickly. When we reach the bench Liam pulls me onto his lap and Colton pulls my legs over his and we watch in awe as the sun comes up. Once the sun is up, we run back to the house.
"Olivia, into the shower." Liam commands pointing in the direction I need to go, before kissing my cheek. As I head to take a shower I realize I haven't even seen Claire and can't say I'm worried or disappointed. I quickly take a shower and get dressed.
When I make my way into the dining room, I find breakfast on the table and juice. I'm about to go find my boys when they appear from the kitchen.
Colton kisses my cheek. "I'm going to take a shower," he says before heading in that direction. Liam sits down another plate and juice and joins me for breakfast.

Liam and I have just finished eating when Colton gets out the shower and joins us.
"My turn." Liam says standing up.
"I'll start cleaning up" I say, heading into the kitchen. I'm just getting done rinsing the dishes when arms wrap around my waist and I feel lips meeting my neck with light kisses.
"Hey there gorgeous," comes Colton's voice and I smile as he turns me around. He places a light kiss to my lips before pointing at the door.
"You go, I'll fill the dish washer." When I go to leave, he pops me gently on my butt. I look at him in surprise and he smiles.
"Go gorgeous," he says. I go do what I'm told but run into a hard chest.
"You know I could get used to this." Liam says as he wraps his arms around me.
"Me too," I say, snuggling into his chest and I realize the whole morning just seems right. We stand there a few moments before I feel Liam give a heavy sigh.
"It's time for school," he says releasing me. I turn a bit and see Colton standing there with my bag. Liam grabs my hand and leads me out to his jeep.

Once Liam puts the jeep in park at the school, Colton hops out and helps me. Liam carries my bag and Colton holds my hand, guiding me into school.
"Olivia!" Comes from an approaching Laura. I smile as she throws herself at me in a tight hug." It's Friday, which means you're coming to dinner! I'm so excited! Oh! Would you like to go shopping with me and the moms on Saturday? Um wait... maybe they wanted to ask you tonight. Maybe just forget I said anything." She finishes and joins her friends.
I hear chuckles. Turning I find both boys smiling wide.
"Just so you're aware, both of our moms are excited to meet you." Liam says, before walking away with a chuckle.
"Let's go beautiful." Colton says also still chuckling and grabbing my hand.

As Liam and I make our way to lunch, I stop off at the bathroom.
"Oh look, at what we have here," comes a daunting voice. I look around to find Bethany and Nicole. Great. I try to go around them but they block my way.
"Excuse me," I grind out. They both just smirk.
"Nah, I'm going to stay right here." Nicole says and I've had enough.
"Move out of my way." I command. They looked momentarily shocked but do as I say. I quickly do what I came in to do and when I exit the stall, the bimbos are gone.
"Baby are you okay?" Liam rushes over to me looking over my body and searches my face.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.
"I saw Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber come out of the bathroom. I was about to come after you," he says.
"I'm fine, they listened when I told them to move." I say. We head to the lunch room.
"Good, maybe they're getting it," he says. He points me towards Colton and goes to grab our lunch.

The rest of school passes quickly and quietly. Liam leads us out and Colton is already waiting. "Hey beautiful" he says, kissing me on the temple and lifting me up into the jeep. Liam grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers as he drives.
We arrive at the house, Colton helps me down and Liam grabs my bag leading us into the house. Claire is sitting in the living room when we arrive but she ignores the lot of us and we head to my room.
I flop down on the bed and Colton jumps on the bed landing so his legs are on either side of mine and his hands on either side of my head. He smiles down at me and plants loud wet smacking kisses all over my face before rolling off and laying on his side facing me.
Liam joins us laying on my other side. He slides an arm around me and pulls me to him before tilting his head and gently kissing my lips. When he pulls back he smirks at Colton. I lay on Liam chest and Colton cuddles in behind me.

I must doze off. "Baby, it's time to leave," whispers into my ear and I can feel a finger trailing up and down my spine. I look up and see Liam smiling down. "My love as beautiful you are sleeping, it's time to go." He says.
"Are you ready to meet everyone sweetheart?" Colton says, coming into eye sight. I nod.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I say sitting up. Colton and Liam hop out of bed and I slide out of bed.
"Let's go." Liam says.

At the edge of town we pull into driveway of a huge Victorian style home. It's white and blue with a large yard. I look at it in awe, it's so beautiful.
I was so caught up in staring at the house that I hadn't noticed that my boys had gotten out and Colton was trying to help me out.
"Sorry," I quickly mumble out and they chuckle.
"Come on baby, it's time to meet the families." Liam says and my nerves go into overdrive.
"It's going to be fine sweetheart, they will love you." Colton reassures me, grabbing my hand. Liam opens the door and I barely step inside when a woman comes running in with a man I have never seen right on her heels. She lets out a squeal.
"Oh my goodness! Is this Olivia, Colton? She's gorgeous!" She wraps her arms around me and hugs me.
"Jenny let the girl breathe," the man says. Just as she releases me another squeal sounds. "She's here! Oh my! I told you so Darren." She says, pulling me roughly to her for a hug. Well this must be Liam's mom.
"Ashlynn dear, you're going to smother the poor girl." Darren says.
"No worries, I think Jenny already did." Says Colton's dad, making both men chuckle. Ashlynn releases me but holds me at arms-length.
"Gorgeous!" She declares letting go.
"I'm Zachary and the woman who squashed you is my wife Jenny. We are Colton's parents. It's a pleasure to meet you." Zachary holds out his hand and we shake.
"It's nice to meet you also." I say. Darren walks up and puts an arm around my shoulder.
"It's good to see you again Olivia. Woman number two to smother you, would be my wife and Liam's mother." He concludes.
Leading all of us into what I assume is a sitting or family room, he lets go of me and Liam grabs my hand and sitting down and pulling me into his lap.
Colton sits beside us and pulls my legs up into his lap and I feel my cheeks heat.
"Now if that isn't the sweetest thing!" Jenny exclaims from her seat next Zachary.
"Wait! Don't move a muscle!" She exclaims again getting up. I hear Colton groan next to me and I look at him in question as everyone else lets out a laugh.
Before I can say anything, Jenny bursts back into the room and I see what the groan is about, in her hand is a camera.
"Jenny baby, don't go overboard." Zachary says smiling.
"Oh hush you! I never go overboard." Jenny says. This causes another round laughs. Jenny takes a couple of pictures before Zachary reels her in.
"Oh! We should show you around" Ashlynn says standing and pulling me up.
"Mom we can do that," Liam says.
"Nonsense, Jenny and myself will do it. Stay and talk with your father."

The two women show me around the massive home, giving me stories here and there. When they finish, it is dinner time and we head into the dining room.
We enter and twin boys around seven years old come running in.
"Mom!" They shout together and Ashlynn stops talking.
"Yes?" She asks.
"Is she here?!" They question together excitedly. Ashlynn points to me and they turn and smile. Yep definitely related at Liam.
A few moments later Laura comes running in.
"You're here! I swear I thought this moment wouldn't get here. What do you think mom? Isn't she just gorgeous and sweet and I don't know... perfect!" Laura says hurriedly.
Jenny raises her brow.
"Yes Laura she's pretty great but did you forget she's Colton's?" She asks with a twinkle in her eyes.
Laura doesn't get a chance to answer as the guys enter.

Dinner is delicious, I enjoy all the chatter at the table and I feel more at home here than at my aunt's house.
"Olivia dear, all of us girls are going shopping tomorrow. Would you like to join us?" Ashlynn asks me.
"I would love to." I reply and I see Colton and Liam smile.
"Well, why don't you all just stay here tonight, that way when we're all ready to go we can just leave?" Ashlynn says.
"Um, well I don't have any clothes." I say.
"That's fine, Colton will go get some for you." Jenny says.
"Uh," I say.
"Oh! Your unmentionables!" Jenny exclaims. "Not a problem. Colton will grab them and just won't pay any attention. Will you Colton?" Jenny asks.
"No mom." he smirks.
"Well sounds like it's settled then." Ashlynn says.
I guess that's that. I have a feeling that keeping up with the women in these two families is going to be a chore.

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