And im done

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Me: I'm up and heading out for my morning run. Going towards the pond.
Sending the text to both Liam and Colton, I head out the back towards the wooded area.
Not seeing anyone when I approach the meeting spot, I shrug and take off into the trees. I'm not waiting.
I don't make it very far when I feel arms wrap around my waist, causing me to tumble to the ground with a heavy body landing on top of me. I scream, but then my ear buds are pulled out. "You know sweetheart, if you didn't run with these things turned all the way up, you would hear an approach." Colton says close to my ear and I shiver. "Well, if you didn't sneak up on me, I could breathe right now." I manage to huff out.

Colton chuckles, but rolls off me and I stand up, brushing myself off. After Colton does the same, we take off again.

In complete silence, the two of us make it to the pond. Sitting down on the bench, I catch my breath as Colton sits next to me putting his arm around my shoulder. Leaning into him, I watch as the sun comes up. "Thank you for texting sweetheart." Colton whispers close to my ear causing another shiver, and I swear I feel his lips on top of my head. Brushing it off I get up. "Time for us to head back. Gotta go get ready for school" I say softly and take off.
Hearing Colton behind me, I smile.

An hour and half later, I pull into the school and park before getting out. Alright day two here we go.
Before I can get too far someone bumps into me. Expecting to see the same girl from yesterday, I'm surprised to meet glaring green eyes, "Stay away from my Coltie, I've laid my claim and you certainly won't change that!" she sneers. She sway's her hips as she walks up to her friends and I snort when I see girl number one as part of her group. Figures.

I manage to get to my locker and get it open before I'm shoved hard into it, hitting my head. I groan and turn to find girl one and girl two standing there. "You need to move lockers." Girl one sneers as I see Liam approach from behind them.
"Bethany and Nicole, go now and stay away from Olivia."
The two glare at me but leave as Liam comes up and grabs my face, gently looking it over and swiping a thumb over my forehead where I'm sure a goose egg was forming.
"Olivia are you okay?" Liam asks softly and I nod. "Baby, don't let them push you around. Show them who's boss." he says and it shocks me. Before I can reply though, Colton comes into view and jogs up to us.
"What happened here?" He asks looking at me with concern.
"Bethany and Nicole" Liam replies.
"Is it dealt with?" Colton asks looking at Liam.
"If not, they are dumber than I thought" Liam replies.
Colton nods once and wraps an arm around my shoulder "Alright then. Let's go beautiful or we will be late to class." he says, guiding me down hall.

The bell rings for lunch and I head to the cafeteria with Liam. Reaching the door, Liam leans in close causing me to shiver. He whispers, "Go sit with Colton. I'll bring your lunch."
He points me in the correct direction and I head to sit down.
"Beautiful, I've missed you" Colton says, winking at me and pulling me closer.
Liam sits down next to me and hands me a sandwich, apple and a bottle of water. When I see Bethany and Nicole approaching I groan, I was hoping that after this morning, I wouldn't have to deal with them.
Spontaneously they each take a seat, trying to wiggle their way onto my boys' laps. Wait. My boys? Shaking my head, I look closely at the four of them. Liam and Colton look angry and the girls look smug. The snobbish look is wiped away when Colton and Liam push them off.

Liam stands up banging his hands down on the table. "IVE TOLD YOU MORE THAN ONCE, YOU ARE NOT TO TOUCH ME! I'M UNAVAILABLE TO YOU! THIS TIME THE CONSEQUENCES WILL BE SEVERE" Liam bellows out. Girl one takes off, while girl two looks scared but doesn't leave, instead she runs her fingers down Colton's chest trying to look cute. "Coltie, you don't feel the same do you?"
I'm done. Standing up I gather my trash and as I'm turning to leave Colton pushes her hand away. "Nicole, no. You are not allowed to touch me. I'm unavailable. I don't and never will want you," he says harshly.

I walk away before anything else is said, feeling happy until both of their words sink in.
They are unavailable... Why does that break my heart? I hear Colton and Liam hollering after me, but I ignore them and head to my next class.

All through class I feel Colton's eyes on me, but I ignore it. As soon as the bell rings I rush off and into the girl's bathroom, where there's a few girls. One younger girl stops me,
"Are you Olivia?" She ask and I nod afraid of what she might say. "You should stand up to Bethany and Nicole. Also I think you will make a lovely mate for Colton and Liam." She blushes and heads out the door leaving me completely baffled. Mate? What the heck? Shaking it off, I head back out into the corridor. Maybe everyone is certifiable around here.

When I reach my last class, Liam is waiting and I try to shove past him, but he grabs my bag stopping me. "Let me go Liam." I say.
"We will be talking later." he whispers, causing me to stop struggling.
"No we won't, you're unavailable." I say, and he let's go.

I sit in my seat as the bell rings and I notice that Bethany isn't in class and for that I'm thankful. I keep my eyes forward the whole class and rush out, running for my truck at the end of the day. What a crappy day.

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