The beginning

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The past few days have been busy ones.
I've got a pretty stable routine down. Jenny and Ashlynn had shown me tricks around the house, even though they will still be around to help after the boys and I take over.
One pack meeting had been called to let everyone know that it was safe again and what had happened with Sarah,who, by all accounts, was slowly dying in her cell. The boys had been wonderful as I got situated into my new roles.

I put the truck in park and got out, my boys of course, right behind me. I plopped down next to my parents gravesite and each boy took a side as I told them everything that had happened. The boys sat next to me quietly until I was ready to go.
"Are you ready to leave?" Liam asked once we were back in the truck.
"I'm all packed if that's what you're asking," I say. I was packed but not ready to leave them.
"If you're asking if I'm ready to leave you,the answer is no," I add.
"It will go fast. My mom and Ashlynn will keep you busy. You won't have time to miss us," Colton says,mumbling something I don't catch under his breath.

I put the truck in park once I pull into my spot in the garage. The boys hop out, but when I reach to grab the door handle Liam opens it up and scoops me out of the truck. Instead of putting me down though,he carries me into the house. He sets me down inside the door and Colton scoops me up bridal style and carries me up the stairs. Setting me down,Colton lays down next to me and pulls me to him,wrapping his arms around me. Colton rubs his hands up and down my back and I snuggle into him enjoying the feeling. After a moment, he pulls back and looks at me.
"I'm going to miss you sweetheart," he says quietly, then presses his lips gently but firmly to mine.
"I love you," he says pulling back again.
"I love you too," I say, and he presses his lips to mine again, leaving me breathless. Colton pulls back, smiles, kisses my cheek and gets up to grab my luggage. I'm about to get up when Liam walks in and strides over before climbing in with me and pulling me close.

"I'm going to miss you,baby," Liam whispers in my ear.
I smile up at him and he bends to meet my lips.
"I love you, " Liam says,pulling back a bit.
"I love you too," I reply and his lips come back to mine and all senses are lost. With a heavy sigh, Liam pulls back.
"It's time to go my love," he says, squeezing before letting go. He stands up and pulls me up with him. We head downstairs where everyone is waiting. The twins run up and each hug a side, then run up stairs. Laura throws her arm around me and hugs me, before saying bye and heading out the door.
"Ready?" Ashlynn asks with a huge a smile.
"Yes," I reply.
Jenny grabs my hand and without a word starts pulling me towards the door.
Have fun,sweetheart," Colton says with a chuckle.
"See you in a few days,baby," Liam says and with that we are out the door with Ashlynn on our heels.
Our girls trip had been fun and it was nice to relax and not worry about anything,but I was ready to be home and back to my boys. I missed them.
"What's wrong?" Ashlynn asked with concern.
"Nothing. Ready to go home," I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"Aww. Good thing we're headed back today," Jenny say cheerfully.
I smile, excited to be going home.
"One thing though, we need to see about a wedding," Ashlynn says.
"A wedding?" I question,a bit panicked.
"Well of course,silly. You need to get married so you can....mate," Jenny gets quieter at the end.
"Uh," is my only intelligent thought.
"Olivia dear, you're mates for life,you need a marriage..I guess you don't,but.." Ashlynn stops mid sentence as if she doesn't know what to say. I bite my lip and we all stand staring at each other.
"I understand,but I think we should at least wait on the boys to ask..right?" I say, not sure what else to say. It just seems sudden.
"Olivia dear,I'm sure we won't be waiting long and I think we should shoot for a year," she says gaining excitement in her voice.

The two ladies chat happily about different ideas for the wedding. I haven't even been asked. I know I'll be with them forever, but really, what's the rush? Then again, I'm not going anywhere and neither are they, so why not take the plunge? I just need them to ask now.

We arrive home and Liam automatically scoops me up in his arms, spinning me around. He hands me over to Colton after a smacking kiss to my cheek. Colton squeezes me tight and kisses me on the cheek before setting me back on the ground.
"I missed you,sweetheart," Colton says.
"You were greatly missed by both of us,love," Liam adds.
I know what I'll say now if they ask.

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