Perfect Sunday

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My nightmare startles me awake, causing me to sit straight up in bed gasping for air.
The nightmare had seemed so real. I had watched as someone dressed all in black with a ski mask, cut the break lines on my mom's car and then the dream fast forwarded ahead showing the actual moment that the car crashed, the exact moment my parent's death happened and all I can do is scream.
I shake my head a little bit trying to clear it. I grab my phone to check the time, deciding it's a decent hour, I get up and head to the bathroom to wash my face to get rid of the nightmare. When I feel that I'm awake enough and the nightmare is behind me, I send out my text, put my shoes on and grab my iPod before heading out the back.

I see my boy's right where I figured they would be, standing in front of the tree line. As I approach Colton scoops me up.
"Good morning beautiful," he whispers causing me to shiver. He goes to set me on the ground but before I actually touch down another set of arms scoop me up and I bury my head into the crook of Liam's neck.
"Are you okay baby?" He asks.
"I'm fine," I say. Liam gently sets me down and we take off into the trees.

The run is mostly quiet except for Liam giving me directions as he must have figured out I wasn't going straight to the pond. Once I start feeling like I have ran long enough, I head to the pond. It's too late to watch the sun come up but it's still beautiful.
I sit on the bench once we do reach the pond with Liam and Colton sitting by me. Colton pulls me to him and Liam takes my legs and starts rubbing my muscles, I have to bite my lip to keep from letting a moan out.
I get hungry so I unwrap myself and stand up stretching.
"Well I'm hungry and ready to head back to the house," I say.
"Well then let's go," Liam says.
"Lead the way sweetheart," Colton says standing up. I head back to the house taking the most direct route. We arrive back and I expect the boys to follow me in but instead they each put a hand on my shoulder stopping me.
"Why don't you take a shower and we will be back shortly with breakfast." Liam says with a kiss to my forehead.
"It shouldn't take any longer than 45 minutes until we will be back." Colton adds, also kissing my forehead before they both rush off around the side of the house.
I smile as I shut the door, it seems I will get my boys all day again.

I take my time in the shower, blow dry and brush out my hair before finding some comfy clothes and getting dressed. Normal girls would dress up but me I like showing who I am.
I just get a load of laundry started when the knock comes at the door and I rush to open it.
I give a huge smile when I open the door and see Liam and Colton with bags of what I assume is the heavenly smell of breakfast.
We sit at the table together and Liam hands me a to-go container with a plastic fork.
"Thank you" I say.
"You're more than welcome baby" Liam replies. "Dig in, I'm starving but ladies first." Colton says with a smile in place.
I surprisingly eat all the food set in front of me but I'm stuffed. "Movie?" Colton asks. We head to my room after the take out is taken care of. I settle on the bed with my head on Liam's chest and Colton at my back cuddled up next to me. I must doze off because when I open my eyes again the credits are rolling. Colton sits up and I follow with a stretch.
"How about a walk?" Colton asks and I crawl out of bed.
"Okay but I've got to change first." I say and they both shake their heads.
"No you're fine the way you are we won't go far," Liam says grabbing my hand. We walk up a couple of blocks each of my boys holding my hand, then turn and go a couple more blocks before turning back towards the house.

Once back at the house we put in another movie. This time I'm laying across Colton's chest with Liam at my back. I must doze off again because I get woke up by Colton.
"Hey sweetie, come with me?" He asks. He helps me up and I don't know how he got from underneath me without waking me.
"We have a surprise," he says, leading me outside where Liam is waiting with a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers. There's also a picnic basket and a blanket. I take the flowers inside to find a vase.
Finding one I fill it with water and put the bouquet in it and take them to my room. I go back out to see the blanket and my boys positioned so that I can sit between them.
It's a wonderful lunch and we have a nice easy conversation. It's decided after we eat and clean up, well the boys cleaned up I watched, we will go on a drive.
We drive around the town with the boys showing me a few things. We also go to the outskirts of town.

We arrive back at the house and watch the sun go down. Liam leads me into the house and Colton goes to get us some supper. Liam and I enjoy some time cuddling and talking before Colton returns. Again the boys take care of everything and clean up. I would truly say this has been a perfect Sunday.
Remembering the laundry I rush that away to find it not only washed and dried, but folded and ready to be put away. I walk back out but only find Liam.
"Did you do the laundry?" I ask he nods.
"Me and Colton both," he confirms. I melt.
"Thank you" I say.
He pulls me to him and bends his head, "You are welcome," he whispers before gently placing his lips on mine.

All too soon he pulls away. "Goodnight baby." He says, and leaves looking back once. I'm confused about where Colton went but head up to my room turning the lights off as I go, maybe he got called away.
I reach my room and smile at Colton laying on my bed. When he sees me he wiggles his eyebrows, sitting up and patting the bed. I go and sit next to him.
"Thank you for doing the laundry," I say.
He smiles, "You're welcome sweetheart," he says pulling me closer and leaving his arm around me. He leans his head down and puts his lips on mine firm and gentle.
He pulls away way too soon. Why do they keep doing that?
"Good night beautiful, see you in the morning." He says pulling me up into a hug before he pulls back the sheets and guides me into bed. After I lay down, he puts the sheets over me, turning around once he turns off the light.
I'm asleep within moments.

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