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I try everything to move, to open my eyes, something, but all I get is darkness. No sounds no movement just darkness. Well and apparently my own thoughts. I try again and fail once more. Crud. Did I die? Is this what happens after your life is over? Just darkness, leaving you to your own thoughts. Or Maybe I finally snapped and went crazy leaving me in the dark. Something in me though, says that neither of those have happened, at least not yet.
I feel myself start to fade, fade into nothing.

It could have been hours, days, or even weeks later. I'm awake again, still in the darkness but this time I hear a noise. It's a god awful buzzing sound but a sound none the less.
I try everything once again to move something or open my eyes but still... Nothing.
Okay Olivia, think. How did you even end up like this?
Everything comes flooding back to me and I'm starting to panic, not that it does any good. Am I still at the house unconscious or did I really hear my boys and they rescued me.
I don't know anything beyond the needle prick in my neck. I start to feel the pull back into complete darkness and before I know it, there is nothing again.

I wake again, still unable to move or to open my eyes. Close by, I hear quiet sobs and I can hear the deep baritone of males quietly talking somewhere nearby. I can't actually make out the words, just the sounds of multiple men talking. I can hear someone shut a door, then it's quiet for a few moments, I hear more chatter but am still unable to make out the words.
Then the darkness comes and I hear nothing more.

As I come out of my complete darkness again I hear shouting.
"It's been a fucking week!" Liam exclaims, sounding close to panic.
"Why the hell doesn't she wake up?" Exclaims Colton also sounding slightly near panic. "Enough!" Shouts Darren. "Now. The drugs she was given are fatal to even the strongest wolves. Given anymore, she would be dead and she's not, you stopped that, but now her body needs proper time to remove all the drug." Darren says in a much softer tone.
"Maybe you both should go home and shower..." Ashlynn starts, but gets cut off.
"No!" Comes from both Colton and Liam.
"But..." Ashlynn starts again, but quickly get cuts off by duel low growls. "Okay, okay jeez!" Ashlynn mumbles.
"Boys!" Exclaims Darren.
"Sorry mom," Liam mumbles out.
"Sorry Ashlynn," Colton mumbles. Just then I hear a door open.
"Any changes?" Asks a worried sounding Jenny.
"No." Ashlynn says quietly.
"We brought food and before any objections are sounded EVERYONE is going to eat." Zachary commands out.
"You heard the man. Get to it boys." Darren says. I want to listen more but I start to fade.

"She should be waking up soon. I would say within the hour of her vitals are anything to go by," comes a voice I've never heard. I can also feel hands holding tightly to my own.
"Thank you" Liam says.
"Of course." The other male voice says, then I hear a click of a door.
"Come on baby you can do it." Liam says.
"Sweetheart can you please open those beautiful eyes of yours? Please?" Colton pleads. "She needs to wake up" Colton says.
"She will. And this time nothing else happens." Liam states.
"Well at least Claire's not a problem anymore," Colton muses.
"When she's able to, she will need to make a decision on what she wants to happen with Claire." Liam replies.
"Come on gorgeous." Colton pleads again. Then silence and once again I'm pulled back.

It doesn't seem as long when I start to come to.
"It's been almost an hour. Why hasn't she...?" Liam starts but suddenly stops. I can't figure out what happened, until I feel my hand twitch. Does this mean I'm finally coming out of the darkness?
"Sweetheart can you hear me?" Colton asks. I try to squeeze his hand and seem to succeed. "She's coming to!" Colton excitedly exclaims.
"I felt it too" Liam says. My eyes feel heavy but I manage to pry them open.
"Olivia!" Both of my boys exclaim. I squint my eyes against the bright light, trying to focus and Liam lets go. I stretch my hand out trying to reach for him.
"Baby I'm not going anywhere," he says, when the lights are dimmer. "Is that better?" Liam asks sitting back down. I open my eyes and squeeze his hand.
"The parents are on their way up." Colton says. I look around and realize I'm in Liam's room instead of a hospital. "We wanted you at home sweetheart." Colton answers my unasked question.
The door quickly opens and in walk Ashlynn and Jenny with their husbands on their heels. "Scoot over," Jenny says, coming in between Colton and I. Ashlynn doesn't say a word instead just uses her hip to get between Liam and I.
"Let's sit up dear," Ashlynn says as both women help me to a sitting position.
"Here small sips now." Jenny urges, holding a bottle of water up to my lips. When I've had enough I lean back.
"Now. Would you woman like to let the doctor do his job? Then you can continue to smother her." Darren says, amusement clear in his voice. Both women look me over before going to their husbands. The doctor comes over takes my vitals and ask a few questions.
He leaves with simple instructions to take it easy for the next couple of days. Then I can get back to normal things as I feel up to it.
"First things first. Liam, Colton and Olivia all need showers, so off you go boys. Jenny and I will help Olivia." Ashlynn says.
"Mom," Liam starts.
"No. Go." Darren cuts in. Once the boys are gone the woman help me into a bathroom attached to the bedroom. I get settled into the bath and the woman leave me to get cleaned up. When I emerge from the bathroom a set of arms go around me, almost knocking me over. "Sorry, I'm just so happy you're okay! Oh my goodness that was scary! And Colton, oh man..." Laura gushes, before Jenny smacks a hand over her mouth.
"Geez girl, calm yourself." She says, leading her out the door. Jenny comes back and hugs me tight. "I'm glad you're back with us beautiful girl." She hugs me again then follows her daughter out. "I'll be up in just a few hours with some food. For the rest of today you are to stay in bed, tomorrow you can have a bit more activity." Ashlynn says, walking over to me. I nod.
"Okay." I reply not really having the strength for more anyways. Ashlynn wraps me in her arms and squeezes.
"I'm glad you're back with us sweetie." She lets go and leaves me on my own. I sit down on the bed and let out a yawn. How am I still tired? I slept for a week or more.
Actually I have a few questions for my boys.
It isn't even two minutes later and my boys come back showed and changed. It's then that I see the wear and tear this past week or more has had on them.
"Baby, you have no idea how happy I am at seeing you sitting up with your eyes open. I'm sorry. I love you so much." Liam says sitting next to me, wrapping his arms around me and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry too. I love you. I'm so very happy that you finally opened those beautiful eyes." Colton says, gently pulling me from Liam and just hugging me.

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