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Darren looked around the room in a sweeping motion before continuing.
"Now that DNA has been established, I think you have answers to some questions." He says pausing briefly.
"If we may please, we would like to tell you a story that may answer a majority of you questions. If you have any questions when we finish we will answer them." Andrew speaks up from his seat.
"Very well you have our attention." Darren gestures for them to stand up but instead of taking a seat he remains standing and just side steps.
"I'll start with an apology. We shouldn't have trespassed. We wanted to catch Sarah Becker but then you had her locked away and we discovered Olivia. I would know my granddaughter anywhere." Andrew pauses.
"Wait. Sarah Becker is the woman who pretended to be Claire?" Darren asks.
"That would be correct." Andrew answers.
"How did you track her here?" Darren question.
"Through scent and elimination." Andrew answers.
"Go on." Darren states.
"We were on the hunt for Sarah after we were informed of Amelia's death along with her mate and spouse Tristan Callaghan.
We did our own investigation and found that it had been no accident. That they had been set up to get into the accident. After getting a look at the will for Amelia and Tristan we found that someone had stolen in a sense the identity of Claire.
We followed that trail to discover that Sarah had been the one to do so and we put it all together. From what we can tell Sarah had forged documents to get everything changed and she became Claire. From there she changed the phone number, address and bank information on the will, then made sure Amelia and Tristan got into that accident and would be pronounced dead on scene." Andrew pauses but no one speaks and he nods.
"Now for the why. Tristan was Alpha, or should have been when his father passed it on. I'm the beta and much like your families we share a home. Sarah was Amelia's best friend and spent a lot of time in the home. Around the age of sixteen she started coming over even more. She confessed to Amelia that she wanted Tristan. Well as it goes, Amelia confessed the same thing, resulting in a fight between the two girls. What neither knew was that Tristan already knew who his mate was. It was Amelia and once that came out, Sarah went off the deep end. The night of their wedding Sarah sent a threatening letter and disappeared. We looked everywhere we could think of before deciding to hide Tristan and Amelia away.
A year later we received an apology letter and it also stated that she was happy and moved on. We didn't trust her word so for safety, Amelia and Tristan stayed away and had Olivia, also masking her scent.
For safety reasons we stayed away, checking in only once a month. That's how we were informed of the deaths and why we started the search over." Andrew concludes.
It's almost deathly silent.

"So I was hidden away because of some crazy girl?" I ask in a whisper.
"Unfortunately yes." Andrew says.
"We would have loved to get to know you." Claire says quietly.
"We of course won't take you away from your mates." Andrew adds. I nod my head.
"Do you have any questions Olivia?" Darren speaks up. I shake my head.
"No, not at the moment." I say.
"Anybody else?" Darren questions.
"Are Tristan's parents still around?" Liam questions.
"Yes, they have also been searching for Sarah." Andrew answers.
"We will need them for the punishment of Sarah." Zachary speaks up.
"And of course Olivia should have the chance to meet them" Ashlynn speaks for the first time.
"Of course. We have to go back and check in and let them know all we have found out. They will be thrilled about Olivia." Andrew says.
"We'll okay. Unless anyone else has anything at the moment we'll put this to rest for today." Darren says.
"When would you like us back for Sarah's punishment and so Gerald and Anita, Tristan's parents can come and meet Olivia?" Andrew asks.
"I want to wait until after Olivia has changed for the first time. I will call you after she changes." Darren says.
"Alright. Sounds like a plan. I suppose we should be on our way." Andrew says.
"Very well. Let's lay this to rest for now." Darren commands and everyone stands up and clears out of the office.

Outside the door Claire and Andrew approach me and my boys.
"Olivia it's a great pleasure to finally get to meet you." Andrew holds out his hand and I shake it.
"Yes we can't wait to get to know you better." Claire smiles at me.
"Young men, take good care of your mate, she's going to need your support the most." Andrew again holds out his hand and Colton and Liam shake his hand.
"Don't worry, we're not going anywhere." Liam states. Andrew nods his head and they head out the door. "Should we see about some food and then we'll try to get some rest?" Liam suggests after the door closes.
"Sounds good to me." Colton says.
"Let's go." I smile at my boys refusing to think about anything at the moment.

Ashlynn made pancakes, bacon and eggs and we sat down with everyone else to eat.
The table was mainly quiet with just a bit of chatter here and there. Jenny and Laura volunteered to clean up and Ashlynn, Darren and Zachary headed to the office leaving the three of us on our own. Liam lifted me into his arms and carried me upstairs and laid me on the bed before he and Colton climbed in beside me.

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