Chapter 3

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School played out as it normally did for Charlie. She went to her classes and quietly did her work without ever uttering a word, she pretended not to hear other students whispering about her and she ignored the insults thrown at her, she had lunch, made sure that she packed everything she needed to do her homework, then walked with Vaggie over to the elementary school where they would pick up Octavia.

"I'm sorry I can't go to the art gallery with you tonight Vaggie." Charlie apologized as they waited for the elementary school to let out. "Stolas has me on babysitting duty again."

"Not a problem, I understand." Vaggie said. "My mom probably wasn't even going to let me go anyway. It's a school night and on school nights I'm supposed to be in my room studying. Then again it's not like she'd know if I went or not. She doesn't get home til after midnight."

"She might quiz you in the morning though. Stolas does that to me sometimes."

"She doesn't quiz me but she's constantly on my case about school. Are you ready for the test Vaggie? When does your report card come in? Have you started looking at any colleges yet?"

"And how long before you tell her that you've decided not to go to college?"

"I'm still waiting for just the right moment. Mom's had her heart set on sending me to a university since I was in diapers. Finding out that I'm going to become an artist when I graduate, will come as a shock to her. But I'm sure she'll get over it."

"Are you still going to spend that money your grandparents left you on an art studio?"

"That's the plan."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life but maybe you should hold on to that money and give college a try. You can get a degree in art, you know."

"Yeah but my dad always said that you can't get artistic inspiration from a professor or a textbook or a study, you can only get it from experiencing life. I'm not going to waste my time learning art in an emotionless classroom."

"Well whatever you decide to do, you have my support all the way."

"Thanks. But what about you? What are you going to do after graduation?"

"Honestly, I've always dreamed of going to Julliard and becoming an actress like my mom. I remember watching her perform on stage as a kid, and she always looked so beautiful and free with herself. It was like she could enter another world and become another person, and everyone would cheer her on. I thought it was the most amazing thing ever."

"Hey why don't you sign up for the school play? Audtitions start next month?"

"What show are they doing?"

"I think it was called The Loneliest Heart."

Charlie's eyes were suddenly twinkled like a night sky full of stars.

"The Loneliest Heart?! Are you serious?!" She asked raising her voice to an excited tone, which was the first time it had ever happed since she came to this town.

"You know it, I trsut?" Vaggie smirked.

"I know it by heart. It was the first show I ever saw my mother in and I loved the story so much, that she gave me the playwright book. For years I have memorized each and every word."

"Then you're a shoe in to get a part."

"You think that I could the lead? My mother played the lead."

"You have as much chance as anyone else."

"Oh Vaggie, if I actually performed in that play, as the lead role, it would be a dream come true. I'd probably never ask for anything again as long as I lived. High school wise that is."

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