Chapter 52

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Alastor, Charlie, and Octavia might have spent all evening playing around in his own private, little world of imagination. After all it was the ultimate dream of any child or those who were a child at heart. Just think about something, put your whole heart, passion, and faith into it, and it's there. There's no number for how many people would probably give up their eye teeth for such a miracle. You couldn't blame them for losing focus on the task at hand, the situation, or time in general.

But Moxxie soon heard that Louis had found Angel and that they were on their way here. When he delivered these news to Charlie, she wanted to meet him just to make sure he'd make it to the house alright. The four of them then on toward the barrier between the semeingly empty flat and the world which Levana had domain over. They were careful not to make their presence known and to stay out of sight the best they could. According to Moxxie they would be perfectly safe at the barrier, since she was not one to attack in a place where she couldn't see but still, she was a clever one. Better to take extra precaution.

Alastor quickly thought up some tall trees with thick shade for them to hide under. It [probably wouldn't work forever but for an hour or two, it could.

"And she really can't reach us as long as we stay here on this side?" Charlie asked Moxxie.

"It would be suicide for her to try to go after you here. She would be completely blind and that would make her vulnerable. And unfortunately, she's not that stupid."

"Imagine if she was." Alastor said. "We could be rid of her in just five seconds. She comes over here, she can't see anything, and then bam! I break her neck and she's dead."

Octavia shuddered at that description.

"I hate to tell you this Al it's not that simple. Remember she's been alive for centuries and beings that live that long aren't so easy to kill. She doesn't even have a soul anymore."

"So she can't be destroyed?" Charlie asked.

"No, there is a way. Even she has to die eventually, we just don't know when or how yet. Louis's been spying on her for years, trying to figure it out but so far he's got nothing. She's too good at hiding things. Souls, prisoners, and above all her weaknesses."

"How come she can only see through mirrors? That's something I'd like to know."

"She basically did the same thing I did. Used glass from an enchanted mirror to make glass eyes." Alastor said. "Only difference is, I still have one regular eye, she gave up both and her own heart long ago."

"Who'd she give them to?"

"Not sure entirely. But I've had my theories, Millie and I saw her make the deal centuries ago." Moxxie said. "We don't know who he was. He was a very strange individual, one ahead of the time."

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.

"It was the 1600's at the time yet he was dressed in a sleek, black suit and tie, driving a Rolls-Royce and smoking a cigarette. Things couldn't have existed in that time period. He said that her desperation, envy, and greed had summoned him, and that she was among the type of people he was especially fond of. And by fond of, I mean the kind he just can't wait to drag down into damnation when they die."

Charlie's face paled and she looked at Octavia, wondering if she should be hearing this.

"But she can die?" Alastor asked. "That man or whatever he is, he confirmed it?"

"I believe his exact words were 'I'll make sure you don't die of old age or any other natural cause, but you're only protected from that. Once you're killed, you're done for and I'll be waiting.' Then the exchange was made and he was gone."

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