Chapter 57

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True to his word, Blitzo did tell Gina what happened to Angel and what he had told him before he left. About how he and Charlie claimed to know where Vaggie was and had gone to find her, but he chose to withhold what Angel said about Molly. He was worried that her poor old heart couldn't take false hope. But in the end just knowing what Angel had done was enough to mortify her.

The very instant she learned of this, she frozeand became absolutely motionless. Every part of her body, her fingers and hands and arms and headbecame suddenly as stiff as a marble statue. Her face turned even paler than marble and her eyes werestretched so wide that one could see the whites all around them. Then she started to tremble.

"He..." She stuttered. "He went across the bridge, didn't he?"

"No Aunt Gina. He's not over there. We checked, there's nothing and nobody on the other side."

"But he's there! I know he is! It has him!"

"Aunt Gina please calm down."

"Oh how could this have happen?!" Tears began to come out of her eyes and godribbling down her cheeks. "I was so careful this time! I never let him go out after dark and unsupervised! I told him to stay away from that bridge!"

"Don't worry Aunt Gina, we'll find him."

"No we won't." She sobbed. "He's gone now! Gone forever! Just like Molly!"

"Now we don't know that for sure. For all we know, he's probably out doing something stupid with some friends and hasn't come home yet because he's trying to think of a good excuse."

"No Baldwin. I know these things."

"What exactly do you know? Who or what do you think has Angel?"

"Monsters. Witches. Demons in human shape. The world says that they don't exist but they do! I know they do! I know they do because they took my granddaughter and now my grandson too!"

"Aunt Gina you're talking crazy."

But she just fell to the floor crying and screaming til she suddenly lost consciousness. Blitzo called an ambulance immediately and she was rushed to the hospital. According to the doctor the shock and stress caused her to have a minor heart attack and although she'd leave, he insisted she stay a few days until recovery. When Stolas found out he came down to the hospital to check up on her and Blitzo.

"I told you it would be too much for her." Blitzo said to him in the hallway, just outside Gina's room. "She's lost a husband and a sister, her daughter was murdered, one grandchild vanished without a trace, and now another one has run away to God knows where. I'm surprised this didn't kill her."

"Blitzo I never meant to hurt her." Stolas said. "But you have to understand, my children are missing, any possible lead had to be investigated."

"Well what lead could an old woman have?"

"I was desperate, okay? What would you have done if you were me?"

"I don't know. I just wish that we didn't have to drag her into this."

"Well what if I didn't insist you tell her? What would you have said once she figured out Angel was gone? Would you have lied to her?"


"And how would that help?"

"It would keep her from experiencing extreme shock and stress, and suffering a heart attack."

"Trust me, it would have been worse if you had lied to her."

"This coming from the guy who lied to himself, his father, his ex wife, and his daughter for half of his life."

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