Chapter 41

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Not once did Charlie or Angel take their eyes off that crystal as it rolled along the ground. Relying on it to lead them to where they hoped little Octavia and safety was located. Although the further they went, the less it looked like any form of protection or security was nearby. Everything just kept getting darker and more eerie, thorny vines covered almost every inch of the area, a misty fog surrounded them, and a full moon hung high up in the sky.

"That's weird." Angel said checking his watch. "It's ten in the morning, there's no way the moon should still be out."

"I don't think that's the same moon we see every evening Angel." Charlie said. "I guess it's always nighttime here. Strange that they have a moon but no sun though."

"This place just keeps freaking me out more and more. Oh why the hell did you and Vaggie have to come here in the first place?"

"It wasn't like this the first few times we visited. But I guess now that I'm on to her, she's not going to put up much of an illusion anymore."

"Part of me wishes this crazy bitch would just come out and show herself already. This constant quiet is scaring me more than anything so far. I just wanna rip the band-aid off, you know?"

"Careful what you wish for, if she catches us then it's game over for everyone. You, me, Vaggie, Octavia, and Molly."

"Hey if she does catch us, what do you think she'll do to us?"

"I think it's best that we don't think about it."

The woods stretched further on and on, and as they went further into it, the trees started to be come cruder and less tree-like. Pretty soon they seemed very approximate, like the idea of trees. Or as if the creator had not put forth effort to actually create trees and just planted the idea of them. Finally the two of them had walked into a pale nothingness, like a blank sheet of paper or an enormous white room.

"Now where are we?" Angel asked.

"I don't know." Charlie answered, looking around. "I've never been to this part of Mystique Hollow before."

"Is this even a real place?" Angel lifted his arms and started to feel around for something.

"I suppose it must be." Charlie said, doing the same. "I mean we can't just go to some place that doesn't exist."

Angel picked up the crystal.

"Hey what's the big idea? Are you leading us on some kid of wild goose chase?"

The crystal didn't respond.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! Give me some answers or I'll smash you!"

Suddenly the crystal turned red hot.


He dropped the crystal, falling his arms.

"What happened?" Charlie asked.

"Stupid thing burned me!"

The crystal then rolled over to Charlie's feet and bounced up into her hands. It wasn't hot and it was once again crystal clear.

"Maybe we should try a more polite approach." She said. "Remember what Lois said, toys and objects have feelings here."

She looked deep into the crystal.

"Excuse me but are you sure that you know where Octavia is?" She spoke gently to it. "I won't be angry if you don't, but I can't afford to waste any time. So if you truly don't know, please tell me now."

A mist appeared within the crystal and it slowly began to shape itself into an image. The image was of Octavia sitting in a living room, laughing and smiling while strange-looking individuals were entertaining her with juggling tricks and music on several instruments. Not one hair was out of place on the little girl's head, not even a scrape or bruise was on her skin, and she was so happy. Tears of relief flooded in Charlie's eyes.

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