Chapter 31

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When school ended, Vaggie met with Charlie at her locker to discuss what their plans for tonight to be. Vaggie still wanted to go back to Mystique Hollow but Charlie's reservations about last night remained.

"I can't come Vaggie." Charlie said getting her books out. "I'm babysitting Octavia again, but even if I wasn't watching her, I don't think I'd still go. I just don't really like Levana anymore."

"Well she sure has done a lot for us." Vaggie said. "I mean yeah she had that freak out moment but that's because she was scared of you bring around that grinning creep. And after what you told me about her real kids, I can't say I blame her. Besides it just one mistake."

"No it's not just that. It's certain things about her and that place."

"Like what?"

"Like...Like Dennis and Mia for example. The other night I had the strangest feeling that Mia was trying to tell us something and Dennis was trying to shut her up. And then there's what Alastor told me, now I know at this point it's his word against Levana's but considering he saved my life and she tried to punish me, I'm kind of leaning toward trusting him."

"Well my mother always said you can't trust men."

"No offense but your mother is a little on the biased side. I mean you told me she was suspicious of Angel for Heaven's sake."

"Good point. Still considering how many children and teenagers Levana has taken care of, I think she might be the more trustworthy one."

"That's another thing that's been bothering me. If her world is home to so many kids then where are they? Think about it, we haven't seen one child or teenager since we've been there. Only adults in weird costumes. Don't you find that a little weird?"

"I have noticed that." Vaggie said. "But it's a big world Hon, we probably haven't seen any yet because they're in another part of Mystique Hollow."

"I guess that would make sense. Still I don't want to go back there Vaggie. I'm afraid of that woman."

"Well if that's how you feel then I understand. I'll just visit her by myself."

Vaggie felt the ribbon in her hair getting loose so she took a moment to fix it while gazing into the small mirror that hung on Charlie's locker door.

"I don't think you should go back either." Charlie added. "Even if that place doesn't turn out to be dangerous, it'll only be a matter of time before your mom finds out what you've been up to. Especially if she gets that promotion at the add agency. You told me if she does she'll be able to quit the diner and that means no more late night shifts."

"Maybe I just won't come home then."

"You're not serious."

"Actually I am. All Mom does is pressure me about future and how she can't let me make the same mistakes she made. I can't take it anymore."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I think I'm going to live with my dad."

"Has he talked to you about this?"


"Has he called? Sent a letter? Done anything to indicate that he'd like for you to live with him?"

"No but he's probably tried to and Mom gets in the way. For all I know, he's probably called the house and sent countless letters but Mom hung up and swiped the letters."

"Now why in the world would your mother do a thing like that?"

"To spite him."

"Oh come on Vaggie, you know your mother better than that. She may hate the man but she knows how much you want to see him. I'm sure that if he was really making an effort to see you, she'd let him for your sake. She loves you."

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