Chapter 9

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Mystique Hollow, as this place was called, was unlike anything Charlie and Vaggie could have ever imagined. Everything was so bright and colorful, glorious plazas and bath houses that glittered in splendor, galleries and theaters, fairs and circuses, and they all were made of either mechanics or drawings.

"This has to be some kind of theme park." Vaggie said. "But why haven't we seen it before?"

"Or heard of it." Charlie added.

"Levana only allows certain people into her world." Dennis said. "Children."

"Why only children?" Charlie asked.

"Well for one thing adults can't really appreciate her creations the way a younger person would. There's more, but she'll tell you about it soon enough."

"You said creations." Vaggie said. "What creations?"

"Why all that you see here."

"You mean she built all this?"

"She's a very gifted woman. Gifted, beautiful, loving, supportive, she's probably the best woman you'll ever meet."

Throughout the tour, Charlie and Vaggie saw one incredible and weird looking person after another. Each person looked different but they had one thing in common, they were all wearing masks and they all had red eyes. They each wanted to ask why everyone here looked this way but they didn't want to be rude.

"Dinner will be served in about an hour." Dennis said. "But I'm sure this shall keep you two amused while you wait."

The tour stopped at wall which was pure white and next to it was the biggest collection of paints and brushes that Vaggie could never even dreamed of. So many shades and styles, so many different materials of brushes. Primary colors, muted colors, pastels, it left Vaggie speechless for a moment.

"We can actually paint on this wall?" Vaggie asked excitedly.

"Yes. Paint whatever you wish." He said. "Paint to your heart's content, and if art does not hold your interest long, perhaps some music will."

A calliope of gold and color was not too far from the wall and with the turn of a key, magnificent music filled the air. Music that Charlie could not resist. It reminded her so much of the song played on her music box and before she even realized it, she had started to dance. Her eyes glowed with light as she moved with the music and each step was one of perfect grace. A ballerina couldn't have danced better. Or so someone had thought.

Someone who had been watching Charlie from the very moment she entered this world. Someone who had been struck by the girl's gentle beauty and spirited nature from almost the very instant he was aware of her existence. Admiring her long hair of sunshine gold as it fell over her shoulders when she danced, admiring her moon-light fair skin that sparkled and her innocent blue eyes that were so full of life and warmth. But most lovely of all had to have been the way her lips could form such a perfect smile naturally, and the way her voice was akin to the sweetest melody that had ever been heard.

As Charlie was doing a pirouette, she accidentally spun too far away from Vaggie and then lost her balance, falling into the shadows and crashing into the mysterious figure who had been watching her.

"Oh excuse me!" She cried out in embarrassed terror. "I am so terribly sorry. Did I hurt you?"

She knew she had bumped into someone, and she could make out a figure quickly sliding away from her.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"I know." The person told her, standing up rather quickly. "It's fine. No harm done."

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