Chapter 63

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Octavia had not been hurt while Charlie and Angel had sustained only scratches and bruises. All in all, nothing serious. But Charlie was left feeling very angry at this extreme disturbance. Fire getting shot though out the whole house, coming in every direction. A house with a small child and several individuals who would most likely not survive so much as one burn on the finger. Just how far would this insane female go?

"She tried to kill us. That terrible woman!" She vented to Alastor.

"Not exactly." He corrected. "I don't think she intended to kill us. It was most likely an attempt to draw us out. Granted she probably didn't consider the fatalities that could come from such an act."

"I don't understand, I thought she never came this far."

"She doesn't, but her underlings will if she makes them. But I'm surprised that she's resorted to this method so soon. Normally she likes to wait, see if any of us will let our guard down. She must be getting more desperate."

"So what do we do now?"

"For now, I need to try to fix the damages." He sighed, looking over all the broken windows, the holes in the walls, and the furniture left burned and charred. A subtle anger started to flare up inside of him. "Damn that woman! I spent years working on this house. It was one of the very few things that kept me sane. All that planning and building and she just...Double damn her! This wasn't something I just copied and twisted up like she does! This was something I created! Something I made with my whole heart and soul! And she just ruins it!"

"I'm sorry Alastor." Charlie said kindly. "But not everything was ruined. The house is technically still standing and it can be repaired. Not to mention all these wonderful clocks, music boxes, and toys you made are still in tact."

Hearing her compliment his work, Alastor's anger was momentarily forgotten and replaced by humility.

"Really? You think they're wonderful?"

"They're absolutely gorgeous." She said marveling at one of the clocks he had made. It was French style, carved from wood with gold lining.

"Thank you." He said. "Can I...Can I show you something?"


He took her by the hand and they went down the hall, to a door at the far end of the right. Behind the door was a room filled with crates and and tools, there was work bench and several shelves and drawers, a pressing mold, a sewing machine, and a furnace. On the shelves there were paints, rolls of fabric, and blocks of wood. In the drawers he kept gears, threads, yarn, nails, screws, pins, needles, and measuring tape. It didn't take long for Charlie to figure out that this was Alastor's workshop.

"This is my newest creation, and perhaps my greatest. That all depends on you though." He said presenting her with something covered by a drape.



He lifted up the drape. It was a wooden box, about the size of a toaster with key attached to the side and two doors in the front. At first glance she thought it was one of those old fashioned clocks where you open the doors to see the device.

"Turn the key." He told her.

She did that and the doors opened to reveal a miniature theater, with curtains, a stage, and everything.

"Alastor this is-" She started.

"Not yet my dear." He put her reaction on hold. "Keep turning."

With each turn of the key, she saw the stage change to a different setting. First it was a paper sea with a small ship floating along the horizon while fish and other sea creatures jumped up from the waves. Next it was a forest with tall trees, wild flowers, autumn colored leaves, and small mechanical creatures moving about. Little fairies with beautiful and delicate features and funny little goblins with grouchy faces. Then a dark cave full of scary demons and imps sitting around a fire, planning mischief. Finally a castle, a ballroom, a fabulous affair of glass, jewels, and waterfalls. Music played and mechanical figures wearing suits, gowns, and masks were waltzing round and round together.

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