Chapter 46

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Alastor's hands furiously sliced and hacked through the plants outside like they were hedge clippers. One could say it was the healthiest way for him to release anger and Lord was he angry. Charlie had gotten his blood boiling, his face burning red, he pratcially had steam coming out of his ears. A coward?! How dare she call him a coward! She didn't even know him. What he had been through. What he had done for her.

Life just seemed to constantly be getting harder and harder for him. Ever since the day he made that terrible mistake and gave Levana his eye. There was no number for how many times he had tried to get through that barrier at the bridge or for how many times he had tried to sneak into her palace to get his eye back. He had made plans, tried to think of every inconvenience, of every advantage, but he always failed. Not to mention he always had to hide, always had to avoid getting caught by Levana's underlings, cause if he was caught he'd go right back into her prison and he'd rather die then live through that again. 

His only sanctuary was the empty flat. The place where there were no mirrors so she couldn't see. Louis showed him the way there when he first escaped and all he found was a white, empty, space and going further into that space, he discovered two figures trying to stand and walk properly but falling over each other. Probably because their legs were either broken or rusted. 

That's how Moxxie and Millie were when he met them. Still moving but not at all moving properly and dangerously close to coming to pieces. Yet they still remained cheerful and positive, when Louis mentioned them meeting a child who had escaped from Levana. But he was scared to see them, he was scared to see anyone at that time.

"Why are you hiding back there?" Millie had asked kindly, the shy boy in the white corner, with his head down in his knees. "You don't have to hide from me, I'm as harmless as cherry pie-"

But when the boy lifted his head and she saw his face, she was stunned with terror. 

"Oh you poor dear." She pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and slowly moved it toward his jaw, he flinched. "Oh no, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Let me clean this up."

She carefully wiped away the dry blood on his mouth and cheeks. It was the first sincere, gentle touch he had been given since his mother's death. 

"Don't worry, if you can't go home then we'll look after you." She assured him.

"And we won't ever let Levana find you." Moxxie had added. "We're not like the others, we don't serve her. That's why she broke us and left us here to rot."

At first it took Alastor a while to warm up to Moxxie and Millie. He was afraid that they were just like Levana or would betray him to her. After all, who could you trust in this place? But it didn't take too long for him to see that they were true to their word cause even though they were broken, rusted, and on the verge of going to pieces, they went out of their way to take care of him. They actually risked facing Levana's wrath by sneaking into her palace to steal food and other necessities for him. They truly wanted to help him, and Alastor came out be so grateful to them that he fixed and cleaned them up until they were good as new and Louis noticed this skill.

So as Alastor would wait for their return, Louis gave him Issac's old tools and convinced him to keep his sanity but doing something constructive. Putting his imaginary gifts to good use. He helped Alastor discover that whatever he imagined with his whole heart and soul in this place, could become real. That's when he set to work creating a new home for himself. Constructing a wonderful manor house that would his tastes and he didn't stop there. He made more and more. It entertained and amused him very much, but it didn't fill the void.

A void which only grew stronger when he made the glass eye for himself and used mirrors from the outside world to see what had become of his father since he disappeared. He didn't expect much, just the same grouchy, withdrawn, unfeeling man Alastor knew him to be before he left. A man completely un-effected by losing his son. This being because the relationship between had been complicated. Etienne was one of those people who always cared what others thought about him and his family, so you can imagine how hard he often was on his son when he heard people talking about how strange the boy was. 

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