Chapter 62

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Talking. Talking to Mia, talking to her about her life, her friends, her mother. That's how Vaggie managed to keep hold of her sanity and her memories during her time in the dark cell. Thank God above that she wasn't locked in here alone, now that in itself could be very well a fate worse than death. Trapped alone in the darkness and quiet. What could be more horrible?

"Mom didn't want to spoil me." She told Mia. "Growing up, she said no a lot. But I remember for my sixth birthday, the only thing I wanted was this special coloring book for adults that had illustrations of famous landscapes. For a whole month I begged her to get it for me and she acted like it was a stupid thing to waste money on. But then on the morning of my birthday, she came into my room with homemade waffles topped with pecans and strawberries, she said I could have breakfast in bed cause it was Saturday and when I was done eating, she let me open my birthday present and not only did she get me the coloring book I wanted but she also bought me these special crayons that came in different colors and blends. We spent hours coloring and drawing pictures, then we went on a picnic for lunch."

"Picnics." Mia said. "I think I went on a picnic once. It's so very hard to remember though."

"Do you remember what you liked to eat on picnics?"


Vaggie chuckled.

"Well obviously, everyone eats sandwiches on a picnic. I meant what kind of sandwiches did you like? Do you remember?"

"I think so. I think I would eat sandwiches with pepperoni, salami, provolone cheese, tomato, basil, and red onions."

"Funny, that's Angel's favorite sandwich."

Suddenly Vaggie felt a painful, empty sensation go through her. It had been days since her last meal, she was starving, and all this talk about sandwiches wasn't helping.

"Is she going to starve us to death?" Vaggie asked.

"Not to death. You're no use to her if you're dead. But she will starve you into submission."

"What does that mean?"

"It means until you give in, she'll only feed you a few scraps every few days. Just enough to keep you technically alive. But you'll still get very sick and suffer from hunger pains."

"Great!" She scoffed, running her hands over the floor.

"What are you doing?"

"There's gotta be a bug or some source protein in here somewhere."

"You're going to eat a bug?"

"I know it's pathetic, but a girl's gotta eat."

Oh the humiliation. Becoming so hungry the she was actually searching the corners for cockroaches or beetles to eat. Her mother always lived in fear of them becoming that poor, and what she say if she knew her daughter was living that nightmare?

However in her search for an insect meal, she turned over a rock and discovered a small ray of light. The light was peaking in from a crack that he been made in the door. A crack that was only small enough for her to get two fingers through but at least now there would be some light in here.

Suddenly she saw a boot step in front of her fingers from the outside. She drew her hand back in fear, going silent as she waited for whoever discovered her fingers peeking out to respond. For the longest time, the figure just stood there, not saying a single word. Then the figure just walked away but shortly after, she heard footsteps hurrying back. Vaggie's heart went rapid and she held her breath, scared out of her mind that it was Levana coming back to punish her or something.

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