Chapter 29

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Charlie was afraid after that, however she didn't what exactly it was that she had become afraid of. Alastor or what he had said? Maybe a little of both? On one had she hardly knew him from Adam and he certainly behaved very strangely and she had been warned to stay away from him. On the other hand though he hadn't exactly done anything to suspect danger and even saved her life. Then there was the matter of what he told her. As unsettling as his tone and behavior was, she knew that he was being completely sincere. And there was something familiar about what he said.

"Do not give up your heart or your eyes, no matter what she promises you."

Giving up your heart and your eyes, she read about something like that in the book Gina gave her, and now that she thought about it, things in this world looked very much like the illustrations in that book.

"I wonder."

"Hon you were fantastic!"

Her worries and suspicions were interrupted by Vaggie meeting her outside the theater.

"I mean I always figured you would be a good actress but you were even better than I hoped." She said.

"You really think so?"

"I just saw it for myself. You're probably going to become world famous someday."

"Thanks Vaggie, I really hope so."

They started down the hall and at the end there stood Levana waiting for them with a smile on her face.

"Was it wonderful dear?" She asked Charlie.

"Yes! It was great! Just as I always imagined it!" Charlie said, momentarily letting the excitement of it all overshadow her reasoning. "I can't believe you did all of it for me! I mean the spotlight, the stage, the music, the costuming, oh it was all like magic."

Levana seemed especially pleased with Charlie's reaction.

"So would you say this is the happiest night of your life?"


"Charlie, Vaggie, do you two like it here?"

"Yes." Vaggie answered.

"Sure." Charlie said. "It's much more interesting here than at home."

"In that case I would like to have a private conversation with you each. It's on a very important matter."

She chose to speak to Charlie first, leading her into an elegant drawing room where full-length mirrors seemed to hanging all around, equally elegant furniture, and a desk stacked with papers.

"I'm glad you like it here Charlie." She said. "Because I'd like to think that this is your home. You can stay here forever, if you want to?"

"Stay?"  Charlie spoke, not expecting that offer.

"Yes. After all, this is a world where I provide a happy home for unhappy children, and from I've seen you are very unhappy living at your old home and it's not like you have a family back there."

"Well that's not true. I do have Stolas and Octavia."

"But they're not really your family. They don't act like it."

"What do you mean?"

"That man seems to only focus on his little girl, his flesh and blood. Not you. I mean he is always asking you to look after her, never even thinking about what you want or that you might already have plans for something much more important. Like trying out for the school play for instance."

"I guess- Hey wait aminute, how did you know about that?"

But Levana ignored the question and just continued.

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