Chapter 53

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When Alastor, Charlie, and Octavia had arrived back at the house, they found that Moxxie had left them a simple but tasty lunch for them to eat on while they waited for Louis and Angel to arrive. Cold chicken, sliced ham, buns, gruyere cheese, walnuts, peanuts, grapes, cherries, scones with jam and cream, and for drinks there was sweet tea and ice water with lemon. The three of them sat down at the table where the fine selection lay and helped themselves.

"This is delicious." Charlie had said, after taking a bite of a sandwich she had made with some of the chicken and one of the buns.

"Moxxie is a gifted cook my dear." Alastor said. "Far better than Levana will ever hope to be, and his food is very good for you."

"I suppose the cold chicken, cheese, the fruit and the nuts are indeed very healthy but I'm not so sure about the ham, the scones, and the buns."

"Not that kind of good for you dear." Millie said pouring her a glass of tea.

"Then what kind?"

"Well, keep eating and you'll find out."

She did and apart from the excellent taste, she didn't really see how much Moxxie's food differed from what she had eaten from Levana.

"Loona if you're hungry, you better come and get it now!" Alastor called. "Before I eat it all."

"You know you'd never think someone so skinny could be such a hopeless glutton." Loona responded, entering the room to join them.

"I'm not a glutton, I just need to eat more than most. Levana starved me for what seemed like an eternity and it messed up my dietary structure."

"You have low blood sugar?" Charlie asked.

"Not quite. When I escaped, I couldn't go to a doctor, so obviously I couldn't findo it exactly what happened to me but apparently I burn off calories and fat quicker than normal. I have to eat a large amount of food to keep my energy up."

"He eats as much as an elephant eats." Loona said.

"Well you don't even need to eat."

"She doesn't eat?" Charlie inquired.

"None of us do except for Alastor." Millie said. "We don't have stomachs, or digestive systems. But we can taste and Loona likes to eat for pleasure."

"It's the biggest thrill of my life." Loona asked before taking a huge bite of the chicken.

"But if you don't have a stomach or a digestive system, where does it go?" Charlie asked.

"In her gear system which I have to clean regularly, cause of that." Alastor looked at Loona.

"Well what else have I got to look forward to in life? I have to spend all day here, talking to the toy geek and his wife, not allowed to go anywhere."

"Hey no one is holding you hostage." Alastor said. "If you want to leave, be my guest. Just don't come crying to me when Levana catches you, throws you into her dump, and leaves you to the mercy of her underlings."

"Don't get upset, I know why I can't leave. I'm just saying it's not easy spending every day of your life hiding."

"I have created plenty of things to amuse yourself with. You couldn't possibly be bored."

"I'm not bored but I'm not satisfied either. You made me think and feel too much like a young girl. Now I want the same experiences that real girls have."

"Trust me, it's not all that great." Charlie said. "Mean girls, stupid boys, bullies, peer pressure, puberty. You definitely don't want to deal with that."

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