Chapter 21

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When Charlie came home from school, she walked in on Stolas putting the finishing touches on his suit for the meeting he was to attend this evening. To be precise, he was just tying his tie around his neck when she walked through the door. 

"Good news Charlie." He said pulling a knot. "Today marks my last meeting on the divorce settlement. After today, I'll never have to attend another or deal with my shrew of ex wife again except for on holidays."

"So does that mean I won't have to babysit as often?" Charlie asked.

"That is correct. You'll finally get some free time."

"Thank goodness."

"And you know what? I think tomorrow would be a perfect day to celebrate. If you're not doing anything tomorrow, would you like to come spend the day with me and Octavia? It's supposed to be warm tomorrow and we're going to the park for some well-earned exercise and play."

"Sounds like fun and I don't really have any plans." She said, though she had considered crossing the bridge tomorrow night. "What the heck? I'll come."

"Wonderful, and since you have been such a big help to me in looking after Octavia and being flexible with your schedule, I have some surprises for you."


"Yep. Surprise number one, something extra special and exciting for us to go to after the park tomorrow." He then produced three slips of paper from his pocket. 

"Stolas please tell me it's not another trip to Loo Loo Land. Remember what happened last time?  Via was practically traumatized by the animatronics and then that pervy mascot tried to grope me, and then you got arrested for trying to kill him."

"Yes but I was out on bail in just half an hour. Ah, the perks of being rich." He said. "But no, no, we're not going back there. I learned my lesson from before. These tickets are for something more along the lines of entertainment."

He handed the three tickets to Charlie and when she read them, she was almost completely stunned with happiness. These tickets were to a stage production of Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella at the Allen Elizabethan Theater.

"I'm sorry it's not to a more sophisticated show, like the ones made by William Shakesphere or Andrew Lloyd Webber but I thought that it should be a show that all of us can see. Octavia is not so little anymore and I think she would love to see a live show."

"Oh no Stolas, it's perfect." Charlie said. "I love Cinderella and I love Rodger and Hammerstien. But these must have cost you a fortune."

"With the money I make, it was a quarter of a fortune, and that includes the pre-show dinner and the balcony seats."

"Still, you really didn't have to."

"But I wanted to." He said. "We have had quite a number of arguments lately, but you're a good kid. You do well in school, you look after Octavia even if you don't want to, and you haven't been getting into trouble. I think you deserve an occasional reward for all that."

For a moment Charlie felt a little guilty, because she had not been as good as Stolas thought she was. For the past week she had been lying to him, sneaking out, then there was that time she left Octavia with Husk without telling him. For a moment, the girl considered telling him the truth right then and there. But then she thought,

"Well there's no important reason to tell him the truth right? It's not like I've done something harmful or that will get me arrested or anything. And things are going so well now, the truth would only ruin things."

So she kept quiet.

"Now for surprise number two." Stolas said.

"Oh Stolas no." Charlie said. "The tickets alone are more than enough, didn't need to buy two expensive things for me."

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