Chapter 56

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The next morning Moxxie had made the girls oatmeal sprinkled with raspberries and Millie had given them each a nice, new dress to wear. For Octavia, a purple sundress sewn with tiny silver stars. For Charlie, a simple but pretty blue silk dress with sewn with tiny moons. Octavia loved her dress so that she spent almost five minutes spinning around, making the skirt fly. Charlie liked her dress but wondered why they were only given dress to wear. Why not a simple top and pants?

"You'll have to forgive their fashion choices." Loona told Charlie. "Remember, M and M were created in the 1600's and for the next three centuries, dresses was all they saw women and girls wear. But don't worry, I'll try to get you a pair of jeans and a top."

"Are there any other old fashioned values that have stuck with them?" Charlie asked.

"Well...They are big on religion and the supernatural, obviously. They hate witches and any form of witchcraft, and considering their history with Levana I can't really blame them. And Moxxie is really big on chivalry. Other than that, they've mostly kept up with the times."

"How long have you been alive?"

"About half a year. I wasn't made by Issac like the others, Alastor made me, and while I'm grateful to be here and all, he made me for the dumbest reason."

"What did he make you for?"

"To teach him how to talk to girls. What a lame purpose, but at least he didn't shut me down and try to re-build me when I developed my own personality. Most creators don't like it when their creations start to become individuals."

"So he doesn't mind that you're different?"

"Well sometimes he wishes he didn't let me have so much free will in regards to my mouth but, he actually found it entertaining how I was able to evolve from my own original state and become something entirely unique. His only real concern was if I ever left the flat or not."

"Why is that?"

"Cause if Levana finds out I exist she'll either destroy me and turn me into one of her puppets. Which really sucks because staying here forever is a real pain in the ass. Technically I'm not being held here against my will, he says I can leave any time, but with Levana out there I might as well be a prisoner like him."

"Can I ask you something personal?"

"I guess. What?"

"You said he made you because he had trouble talking to girls, and he's a teenage boy, so-"

"If you're wondering if he used me as a sex doll then the answer is no, he didn't. I mean he literally built me with no breasts or other sex organs."

"I actually wasn't going to ask that but thanks for clearing that up." Charlie blushed. "I was going to ask if he had a crush on someone."

Loona then smiled at her in a most devious manner.

"Oh it goes much deeper than a crush and while I would love to tell you more, if he found out I blabbed he'd probably seal my mouth shut for good."

"Strange." Charlie thought. "How could he develop feelings like that for anyone here? He spends most of his time here in this void and any girl his age, he probably never gets a chance to see cause she's Levana's slave. Then again, this is a teenage boy we're talking about and usually nothing can stand in the way of male hormones."

Charlie went to train with Alastor after that. But he decided to something different this time. He quickly realized that for someone like Charlie, he was going to have to start small and slow. She was used to keeping her creative and imaginative gifts in private because her peers teased and tormented her for them. It was the same way with him before he came to Mystique Hollow. He needed to get her to accept that her love of fantasy was nothing to be ashamed of and that in certain circumstances could be useful.

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