Chapter 26

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Charlie ran all the way home after the incident in the cafeteria, she couldn't stand to in the school building for another minute. Octavia didn't feel very well this morning so Stolas kept her home which meant he wouldn't be picking her up from school and hear the news about her running out. When she arrived at the house, he didn't notice her sneaking in, he was too busy ranting over the phone with Stella.

"I didn't steal that money Stella! I swear!" He shouted. "What reason would I have to steal? I'm set for life!...Spite you? No if I wanted to spite you, I'd do it legally. Like writing a blog about your terrible fashion sense."

"You're one to talk!" Stella screeched on the other line. "At least I never wore fur!"

"That was your brother's fault! He told me that fur was in again!"

"He lied you idiot! You know he hates you! More so than I do!"

"Alright let's just put the insults aside for once and try to think rationally. I know we never had any real love for each other but we know each other, you know me. You know how much I love our daughter so do you really think that I would risk putting myself in jail, and leaving her without a father just to piss you off?"

For once in her life, Stella was quiet. For five minutes, Stolas didn't hear a sound come from that phone. Then even more surprising, when Stella spoke again, she was more calm.

"I suppose that would be a little out of character for you." She admitted.  "But who else would do this to me?"

"I don't know but come on, it's a million dollars Stella. Lots of people would sell their own kidney for that kind of money."

For once, Charlie was glad that Stella called because she really didn't want to talk explain things to Stolas. She only wanted to be alone. As quiet as a church mouse, she went upstairs and into her room, slowly and carefully closing the door. Then just like the other night before, she threw herself on to the bed and started to cry into her pillow. Crying because she wasn't sure if she could stay here any longer. She didn't know if she could continue going to school where she would get bullied and then come home to a man who she believed only cared for her out of obligation. She just wished that she couldn't be here anymore.

Then as if it were an act of fate, a book dropped down from her shelf. Charlie got up out of bed and retrieved the book. It was the book Gina had given her. The one that Charlie had started reading weeks ago but then stopped. She had almost completely forgotten all about that book. She didn't know why, but suddenly she wanted to finish reading it. Perhaps an attempt to take her mind off of how miserable she was feeling? But for whatever reason, she opened the book and flipped to the page where she had left off. She began to read.

This was a world built for children, created by the imagination, wishes, and dreams of a child. It was originally supposed to be a place of shelter and escape for children, created by a man who believed that nothing was more precious than a child's smile. He was a toy maker, the best in his hometown. No one could craft anything more beautiful than him for  each creation he made, was built with love. He made his creations love children just as children loved them.

But these toys were not mere play things. They were friends. Guardians. Their purpose was told live for the child who gave them love. If one of his toys was given to a child with a regular and happy childhood, then they would remain inanimate as any normal toy would be. But if given to a child who was in danger. One who is abused, neglected, or orphaned, then the toy springs to life and does whatever it can to help that child. They would take the child away to this hidden world and take care of them there until the toy maker could find a loving family for each lost and sad child.

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