Chapter 10

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Charlie and Vaggie had followed Dennis to a castle that looked like something out of an abstract painting. The walls, the towers, the stairs, the doors, even the windows were illusory with shades and lights twisted all around from side to side. It almost looked unreal. But it was real because Dennis could open the doors to this strange establishment and they could enter it. The entrance hall was a high walled, stone corridor, hung with candelabras and torches fitted into the walls. Charlie tried her best not to linger for so long as she stared at each feature of the hall, she had never been in a real live castle before.

Finally they reached a large room where the center piece was a long oblong table and a large candelabra was in the middle of the table. Chairs were pulled out for the girls who sat down and right before their eyes, an incredible feast appeared on the table. Roasted chicken, potatoes, peas, corn, bread rolls, and a wonderful selection of different beverages to be served as drinks.

"Help yourself ladies." Levana said, sitting across from them at the end of the table. "this feast is all for you."

"Thank you." Charlie said. "But what for?"

"Yeah." Vaggie said. "We don't want to sound ungrateful or anything but why have you invited us to dinner? And again we don't really know you."

"Oh I'm not offended." Levana assured them. "And I completely understand how unorthodox this must all seem. Allow me to explain, you see girls I am very talented and successful woman. I have my own domain where I can create whatever I please and do the impossible. But I think it's not fair to keep such a lovely place and such lovely things all to myself. I want to share it all with the less fortunate and who could be more less fortunate than unhappy children?"

"I beg your pardon?" Charlie asked.

There are so many unhappy children in the world Charlie and it hurts me very much. Children with families who don't love them and no real friends. Children who are alone and feel like no one will ever hear or listen to them. I allow children like that to come live with me so I can give them a proper home and proper love."

"That's very kind of you." Charlie said. "But we're not unhappy...Okay maybe we're a little unhappy at times, but doesn't everyone feel unhappy sometimes?"

"Yes but not everyone has people willing to make that unhappiness go away. Sometimes the parents are just too busy to care."

"That sounds familiar." Vaggie muttered under her breath.

"But we must not speak of such matters now. You both must be so terribly hungry. Please eat." She said encouraged. "And I would start with the chicken if I were you."

It was the best chicken that Charlie and Vaggie had ever eaten. Vaggie's mother sometimes made chicken, but it was always out of packets or frozen, and was very dry, and it never tasted of anything. When Stolas cooked chicken he did strange things to it, like stewing it in wine, or stuffing it with prunes, or baking it in pastry, Charlie would always refuse to touch it on principle.

"Did you enjoy your tour?" Levana asked them both.

"Yes." Vaggie answered. "I really liked the wall. I've always wanted to paint a mural."

"I saw your artwork, it is amazing. You are destined to become an artist."

"You think so?"

"I know so and Charlie, I heard that you were seen dancing about and that you danced beautifully. I should like to you perform sometime. Tell me, do you wish to become a professional dancer?"

"Actually dancing is more of a hobby." Charlie said. "What I really want to be is an actress."

"How marvelous. The life of an actress is divinely glamorous. The spotlight, the adoring crowd, the way all eyes are solely on you. What more could a woman dream of? You know we have a theater here and I would be most honored to see you on stage."

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