Chapter 35

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It was one o'clock in the morning when Charlie was suddenly being awakened by Stolas. He just sat on her bed and started shaking her rapidly.

"Where is she?!" He shouted.

"What?" Charlie droned, not yet fully awake. "What's going on?"

As her sleepy vision cleared, she could see panic written all over his face. It was so white and completely drenched in sweat. In an instant she knew that something was wrong.

"Where is she?!" He repeated.

"Where's who?" Charlie asked.

"Octavia! Where is she?"

"She's in her room."

"No she's not! She's gone!"

"Gone? Gone?!" Now she was wide awake. "What do you mean she's gone?!"

"I mean she's nowhere in the house!"

The two ran all throughout the apartment, searching in every place that a small girl could possibly fit into. They checked under the beds, behind the curtains, in the closets, under the sinks and tables, all the while desperately calling out her name.

"Octavia! Octavia! Octavia where are you?"

But they found no trace of her and not once did they hear her voice answer their calls. Stolas had a complete meltdown. He was screaming, shaking, ranting, getting more desperate. At one point he demanded that Octavia answer him or he would spank her. Of course he'd never actually do such a thing but he was literally doing everything possible to get her to reply. When all else failed he called the police and through the entire conversation, he couldn't stop stuttering his words and dropping the phone. He couldn't help himself, it was his worst nightmare come alive. His little girl was gone and he had no idea where she was or what had happened to her.

Charlie immediately raced to the apartments and reported Octavia's disappearance to the neighbors, they were on it in mere seconds, not at all caring that it was still dark out. Charlie chose not to come to school and Stolas ignored all calls from work and his lawyer, choosing to spend the day either searching or talking to the police.

"Is it possible she could have run away?" The police chief asked Stolas.

"No! She's only six years old!"

"With all due respect Mr. Goetia, it's not impossible for a child that young to run off. It's rare but not impossible."

"Well I know my daughter! She wouldn't run away!"

"Alright then, could this be a parental kidnapping? You mentioned that you and your ex wife have had difficulties with each other and that she suspects you of trying to cheat her out of alimony, could she have taken your daughter out of spite? Or maybe even for ransom?"

"No. Stella wouldn't do that."

"Are you sure? Numerous people we've questioned have informed us that your ex wife is quite vindictive and spiteful toward you. One even said that you claimed that she would do anything to ruin your life."

"Ruin my life yes, but not Octavia's. Don't get me wrong, she's insane beyond all reason but she loves our daughter too much to put her through something like that."

"If you say so, still we'll run an investigation on your ex wife just to be on the safe side, we'll also be investigating the neighbors as well."

"Officer, I can assure you that no one in that building would ever harm my child."

"Maybe, maybe not, but a child's disappearance is involved we can't leave anything to chance. Everyone is a suspect, including you sir I'm afraid."

"Excuse me?!"

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