Chapter 25

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Charlie was still mad when she woke up the next morning. So made that she didn't even speak to Stolas or Octavia, or stop for breakfast or to ask if Stolas would be able to drive her to school. Instead she just got dressed, fixed her hair, grabbed her book bag, and walked on to school. She didn't know what she was doing to be honest, she just knew she had to get away from them. She wasn't in the mood to have a long talk or listen to a lecture. Granted going to school where she was bullied wasn't any better, but where else could she go?

Unfortunately, school just made things worse for her today. For starters, as she was walking into the hallway, she noticed some of her peers looking at her and snickering, muttering mean words under their breaths like,

"Wide load."


"Double chin."

"Double belly."

"Fat ass."

Charlie pretended not to hear them. She tried her best to let their words get to her, though she couldn't help but wonder about something.

"Calling me fat now huh?" She thought. "Well that's a new one. Though I don't know how that got started. Stolas feeds me only health crap."

But she discovered source of such insults at lunch time. She was on her way to sit at a cafeteria table with Angel and Vaggie when she overheard Helsa, Velvette, and Niffty talking about something in the corner of the room. 

"Helsa you've gone too far this time! Delete this at once!" She heard Niffty demand, sounding utterly appalled. 

"No way!" She heard Helsa reply. "Do you know how much it cost me to get one of those science nerds to do this?"

"This is sick and senselessly cruel!"

"Shut up Niffty! She's doing it for me!" She heard Velvette snap. "That slut deserves for trying to steal my man."

"Oh who are you trying to fool? You don't even like Seviathan." Niffty argued.

"That's not the point! She messed with me and we're getting even."

"I'm going to tell Ms. Mayberry, I cab't let you do this!"

Niffty suddenly hurried past Charlie as fast as she could, not noticing her.

"You get back here you little traitor!"

Velvette was right on her tail and she took did not see Charlie. But Helsa did.  Charlie then noticed a bunch of students gathering around Helsa, looking at something she had on her laptop and when they all looked up at Charlie they started laughing at her. Before she could ask what this was about, Helsa turned her laptop around to face Charlie and what she made her feel sick to her stomach. It was an edited video that photo shopped Charlie stuffing her face with food and getting fatter and fatter. Like she was some kind of gluttonous, disgusting, pig with no self-control.

"You know Charlie, I heard about how you came on to my brother yesterday even though you know that he was dating my best friend, and screwing around with my family and friends can't go unpunished."  Helsa told her. "So I decided that maybe the time has come for everyone to learn about your not so-little problem with food." 

At first Charlie couldn't find words to put in her mouth. She was too in shock over what was happening to even think of speech. But after her mind comprehended that she was awake and that this wasn't another nightmare, she forced herself to say something. Anything. She didn't want to look like a weak coward in front of everyone.

"Why would you do this?" She asked Helsa. "What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? You're the one with the problem. And you know it's bad enough that you're a nasty binge eater, but to actually think you're hideously, over-weight body is good enough to steal away my brother, that's repulsive."

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