Part 2 ✨✍🏾

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FINALLY i was leaving home for the city to make something of myself! 20 and going into another town to start music school with my best friend who had also been accepted into the fashion school of her dreams seemed surreal. If you had told me about this 3 years ago that i was accepted in an elite and might i add expensive as hell music school, Calabases Music Institute, I would've thought you were tripping.

But i did it and one thing about me is when i want something i make sure to get that shit!

We are going to stay in our own apartment that we have worked our asses off at this crummy diner to get enough money to afford it last summer. Finally I'm getting out of this small town to go do what I love, music. Not mean to sound cliché but I might go and make some dreams come true in the big city! To say I am excited is an understatement.

I am saying my goodbyes to my mom and dad for the last time in the drive way which seems to be taking forever because of my hysterical mom who is acting as if I am finna go to war and die or something. I'm an only child so you know those type of vibes. You'd think they'd be happy to now be able to get their freak on without me around.

My parents have always been supportive of my music dreams and helped me a lot. They surprised me by paying my first term tuition for me before telling me the news that i was accepted. i promised i would pay them back but they refused and i wasn't going to listen obviously.

"Don't forget to call me Ayee i mean it, please be safe out there, promise me" she says whilst practically squeezing me to death in a bear hug.

"Yes ma I promise damn, it's just a music school I'm not going to join a cult or something, " I say, both of us laughing.

"Yoo Ayee come on! Mrs Bennet let my girl go please" laughsChrissy, my best friend who is practically a sister to me, from the car. Which makes my mom flip her off and she laughs even harder. She loves annoying my mom.

Chrissy, well her full name Christa Simons which i never ever use since she despises it because "it messes with her gangster" or whatever that means is coming with me too.

My parents and also her parents had refused for us to stay individually and honestly we were not even thinking of doing such. Our parents had helped us pick a flat and everything, helping with accommodation and stuff like that.

Chrissy has been waiting for me in the truck for what seems to be forever and had already said her goodbyes to my parents 40 minutes ago.

"She coming!" my dad shouts back whilst separating me and my mom. He had just came from making sure Chrissy and I hadn't forgotten anything and the things at the back of the truck had been tied properly.

"Okay bye, love y'all!" I said for the gazillionth time after giving them kisses on their foreheads and ran into Chrissy's car.

I took one last look at the home I grew up in and took a deep breath. I am going to make my dreams come true I guess so here goes!

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