Chapter 2 ~Queen Bella~

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The girl spoke up.
"Seems you're lost, I'm here to give you directions."
She continued,
I am Melissa, this is my friend Thelma, and finally, this is Bella the queen of the school and we're..."

Before she could speak any further, Kendra cut in.
"Yeah, yeah i know."
Pointing at Bella,
"She's the queen and the both of you are her followers, so what?"

Kendra's unexpected reply earned a grunt from Melissa.
"This is our table, we own it. So, scram!
Go eat at another at table."

Kendra chuckled.
"You wish!
You obviously met me here, so you either seat your asses down and eat, or get another table for yourselves."

Melissa steadied her food tray with one hand, and raised the other in an attempt to hit Kendra, when Thelma held her back.
"Let her be Mel, let's just eat at another table."

Bella took of her shades and stared at Kendra for a while. Well, it was more of a glare.
She looked like she was about to say something, but she didn't and just walked away instead. Thelma walked quickly to keep up with Bella's pace while Melissa made sure she stared daggers at Kendra before catching up with her friends. But Kendra couldn't be bothered.

At the next table Bella chose for herself, the people there scurried away with their food trays seeing the queen aim for their table. Not everyone was sharp mouthed like Kendra, or ignorant as the others thought. It was only a matter of time before she learned Bella wasn't feared for nothing. So they thought.

Somewhere at another table, a black girl with brown kinky natural hair was happy the wicked trio got dealt with by the newcomer. She had a feeling this new girl would be a tough one.

At school close, Kendra was walking out the school when someone stopped her.
The black girl from the cafeteria. Kendra remembered her from class, her brown kinky hair really stood out and was hard to miss. They had almost all classes together, and they sat next to each other in all of them. Actually, it was the girl who was keen on sitting next to Kendra the whole time.

She waved at Kendra.
"Hi, I'm Mandy.
Nice to meet you. You remember me right? I sat next to you in all of our classes today."

Kendra kept silent wondering what she wanted.

Not getting any reply from Kendra, the girl continued.
"You didn't introduce yourself in class today. I'm sure you..."

Kendra had enough, She quickly cut in.

"Just so you know, I hate being pestered.
So could you move aside, I need to go home."

Mandy was shocked. She didn't think a harmless introduction would end this way.

"Ooh...I'm so sorry. I - i -i just thought we could be friends!"
The last words came out in one breath.

Kendra replied sharply.
I don't do friends!"
With that, she walked out on Mandy.

Mandy could only sigh to herself
"Beautiful, weird and Bold. I like her already."
She giggled before yelling at the top of her voice to Kendra who was already at a distance.

"See you tomorrow!" She wasn't going to give up that easily.

Inside a pink sports car at the parking lot, Bella was fuming in anger and pounding her wheels with all her might.
Thelma attempted to to calm her down.

"Stop it Bella, you are going to injure yourself... just breathe, breathe Bella."

Bella breathed in and out for some minutes before turning to Melissa at the passenger seat next to her.
"A certain someone didn't think it wise to let us know we'd be having a newcomer in school today. Surprisingly, our class!"

Melissa closed her eyes, her hands on her forehead.
"What now, you can't blame for this.
I didn't know."

Thelma sighed.
"Mel your dad is the principal, nothing about this school goes past your eyes..."

Melissa snapped back at Thelma.

"What do you know! Yeah he usually tells me everything about the school, and this time he didn't. What's it to you anyway?"

Thelma's face sunk in sadness. She apologized to Melissa.
"I'm sorry Mel, forget i said anything."

Ignoring Thelma, Melissa tried to beg Bella. She could be really scary when she was angered like this.

"I'm so sorry Bella, I promise to find out everything about that tramp! After that, we'll make her pay for what she did's a promise Bella."

Bella continued pounding the wheels until she stopped suddenly.
"By the way, Jay and the guys were absent today."

Thelma mumbled a little too loud.
"Well while you were throwing a tantrum, Dennis texted."

Bella turned back at her,
"You do realize i heard you...
Tantrums huh?"

Thelma coughed in panic.
"Sorry that came out wrong" she looked down in fear.

Melissa scoffed
"Well, what did the text say?"

"He asked us to meet up with them at the sanctuary."

Bella raised a brow
"Really? What for?"

Thelma shrugged
"He didn't say.."

Bella started the car, and sped off.

After a very long drive, Bella pulled over at the side of the road. Where two other cars which obviously belonged to their friends, were also parked. They walked into the woods, and after walking for what seemed like thirty minutes, they arrived at a old house.
Bella led the way inside.
This was the Sanctuary, where they usually met up to hold their meetings.
The house was so old, you could hear the furnitures creak. Green patches on the walls, even weeds on the roof. It had this omnious feeling about it. Even gave off the vibes of a haunted house from a horror movie.

In the living room, there were two sofas, and a couch. Two long tables with different roots, herbs, stones and other creepy stuffs. Old books with leather covers, and now yellowed pages scattered all over the place.

The girls made a turn for one of the bedrooms, one they knew too well. A very dark room it was. Inside, they were five boys. Four of them standing, and the last one laying on a straw mat. His eyes shut tight, pale looking, totally drenched with sweat, and convulsing.
Altogether, it was a terrible sight!

A/N: I really appreciate your response on the first chapter.
Do you think this chapter is boring?
And what do you think about this old house called the sanctuary? 😉
Your thoughts in the comment section guys, leggo!

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