Chapter 12 ~Different Jay~

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On Sunday, Kendra was anxious to see Mandy. They agreed to eat dinner at a place close to Mandy's. Immediately it was 6:30 pm, she left home telling her aunt she was going to eat out, and she would come back home late. Her aunt wondered for a while, but later thought it was good for her to leave the house once in a while. Besides, other than school she never left the house.

At the Walkers, they were set for dinner with the Dom's. Immediately they arrived at the Dom's, one of their housekeepers ushered them to the garden where the dinner was to be held. The Dom's had a very big mansion similar to that of the Walkers. The garden was well decorated with lights, combined with the beautiful look the well groomed flowers added to the scenery. The aroma wafting  from the different delicacies spread out on the long banquet table was altogether wonderful. It showed the Dom's put in a lot of effort to host their guests.

Julio Dom was a stout looking man, with chubby cheeks. While his wife Anna had a sweet looking demeanor. Her slender body perfectly complimented her husband's roundness. Bella put a lot of effort into her looks too. Her hair perfectly curled and styled, makeup bright as she usually liked. No doubt, she was a Bella.

Immediately the Walkers were ushered in by the housekeepers, both fathers exchanged pleasantries with hearty laughter, while the mothers hugged themselves happily. Jay's greeting to the Dom's was curt and proper. But he and Bella just stared at each other awkwardly. Jay himself was not lacking in looks. He looked absolutely handsome, except for the scowl on his face.Soon, they were seated and helped themselves to the wide spread of food.
Julio, spoke first.
"I heard the chosen one of the Psithuras is here, in Yorkhill."

Jay's father nodded as he confirmed the intel as he neatly wiped his mouth with the table napkin before talking.
Even the location of the stone of Femus has been revealed."

Anna, could only gasp in surprise.
"So much is going on right now, I can't believe this." She looked at Jay with tender eyes.
"Poor lad, you have so much to do. As the chosen one of our race, your tasks and missions are uncountable."
Helen smiled at her son.
"And for that, we have beautiful Bella." She beamed at Bella also. Seeing Bella return the gesture, Jay almost choked on his chicken.

Oh, here we are!

Helen continued.
"As his lover, just a smile from her can put his weary mind at peace."

Bella smiled bashfully at Helen. Her mother also noticed a deep tinge of red on her cheeks. She did not hesitate to tease her.
"Oh, can you see that? She's blushing." She said in a sing-song tone.

Helen noticed Jay was unusually quiet."Jay honey, are you okay? You've been quiet the whole time."

Anna chirped in.
"Could it be the food? Is it not to your liking? I could have the kitchen serve you something else."
His mother quickly covered for him. "Nonsense Anna! The food is awesome. I'm sure he's just trying to be a gentleman in front of Bella. Gentlemen don't say much you know." She winked at Anna as she spoke.

Both parents laughed together. Then Jay's father interfered.
"Oh the good old days! I remember then, when i was chasing after Helen. Whenever we went out bowling with her friends, I would say only a few words. Hoping i'd pass as a gentleman in front of her friends." He laughed out loud as his wife smiled at him fondly.
Julio nodded.
"Yeah, I remember that." He sighed contentedly. "Good days they were."

At that moment, Jay began to regret coming to the dinner with his parents. Everyone was smiling and enjoying the food. But no one could see he was feeling miserable. A while later, chocolate cake was served for desert. After dinner, both fathers headed to the other side of the garden to talk about business, and Jay's ordination. Anna invited Helen to come in, so they could gush over how majestic their childrens wedding would turn out in the future. It was also a plot to give Jay and Bella some alone time, since they barely spoke to each other since he arrived.

After an awkward moment of staring at each other, Bella finally broke the ice.
"Let's walk to the pool. The view is nice you know, and the wind is calm over there as well."
As soon as those words left her mouth, she instantly regretted them. Jay was not a stranger at the mansion of the Dom's. He had been there so many times, even as a child. She knew this, but could not find a better excuse. Still, Jay obliged.

They strolled to the pool, walking side by side in silence. Indeed Bella was right. The view was really nice, alongside the calm breeze. They sat next to each other, by the pool.

Jay went first.
"I'm sorry."

But Bella disagreed.
"No Jay, I'm the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out like that, in front of everyone. I should have been more mature about things."

Jay continued. "That doesn't change the fact that i said some really hurtful words to you, the last time we spoke."

Bella smiled, and held his hands.
"It's fine Jay, let's pick up from where we left." She looked into his eyes. "I missed you so much." She leaned on him, then after a while she asked. "Did you miss me too?"

Jay nervously cleared his throat. While he gently nudged Bella to lift her body from his. He could not lie, these few days away from Bella were nothing short of peaceful, for him.

Bella noticed he was acting different.
"What's up with you anyway? You've been all gloomy and shit!"

After taking a deep breath, he finally mustered the courage to say what had been on his mind.
"Bella, I want to talk about us."

A/N:Who else is dieing to know what Jay is about to say?

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