Chapter 10 ~I Want To Tell You Everything~

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Once it was weekend, Kendra's aunt Paula, went to do the grocery shopping. She suggested Kendra went with her but as usual, she declined. Tired of staying bored, Kendra decided to go outside and check out the city for herself. Other than school, she had not been to anywhere else in the city. After a little bus tour around the city, she made a stop at a coffee shop. The shop itself made you feel warm. Seeing the smiling faces of people chatting over a cup of coffee, and even reading magazines.

Soon, she found an empty table and a waiter quickly made his way to her. Smiling brightly, the waiter gave a quick introduction which Kendra felt was unnecessary.
"Welcome to Dayspring coffee shop, We serve the best coffee and snacks. I take it you're new around here." His smile soon faded when he saw the disinterested look on Kendra's face.
Quickly, he passed the menu and Kendra placed her order without wasting time. The waiter came back in with a serving tray in no time, carrying Kendra's order.

Kendra attention was drawn to a table not too far from here. A beautiful dark skinned girl serving. The very person she was missing.

Damn! Mandy...

She wondered how Mandy was everywhere she went. On her way to the counter, Mandy's eyes met with Kendra's. Running to Kendra and squishing her in a very tight hug was the first thing on her mind. But she could hear Kendra's voice in her head, telling her to stay away. So she walked straight to the counter, ignoring Kendra.

Unbelievable, now she's ignoring me.

Kendra left the shop immediately. Outside the coffee shop, Kendra remembered her last discussion with Marv. Brimming with courage, she entered back into the shop. She was going to stop hesitating, and live life a little. Afterall, there was only one life to live.

She ordered another cup of coffee, while waiting. An hour later, Mandy rounded up her shift, bid her co-workers goodbye. On her way out she saw Kendra still sitting there, and wondered what she was waiting for. She headed for the exit still. Kendra followed immediately.
"Hey, can't you tell i've been waiting for you?"
Mandy was shocked to her bones.
"Wait, you're talking to me?"

Kendra walked up to her.
"Yeah, you!
Do you know any place where we can sit and talk?"
Mandy stuttered.
"Yo--you want us to talk?" She paused.
"Well, there's an amusement park down the road. We could go there."
Kendra nodded.
"That's fine. Let's go."

Soon they got to a park, filled with children and loving parents who brought out their kids to play. They found an empty bench to sit on.
Silence lingered in the air for a while, before Kendra broke the ice.

"You're probably wondering why i asked us to talk. I mean i asked you myself, to stay away. So...."
She sighed and continued.
"I'm sorry Mandy. I was big time bitchy!
You've been nothing but nice and friendly to me and..." Mandy cut her off.

"No Kendra, you're the nice one here. I've done nothing for you. But you, you're the one who taught me how to stand up for myself. You're a good person Kendra." She gave a little smile.
"But i am concerned about one thing. Why do you prefer being alone? Why don't you want friends? I mean i know friends are not that great but c'mon... You could use at least one, right?"

Kendra nodded.
"I think i better tell you everything."
She paused, then continued.
"As you already know, I'm Kendra Adams. Sixteen, and about to turn seventeen in four months. I'm an orphan. My mother died birthing me, and i lost my father in a car accident when i was just two years old. Since then, I've lived with my aunt Paula. She's my mother's younger sister."

Kendra's face was devoid of any emotions as she spoke. You could not tell what she was feeling.
"Over the years, we've lived in seven different cities."

Mandy gasped.
"Holy...... crap! You don't say!"

Kendra chuckled.
"Want to hear something more shocking?"
She whispered the last part to Mandy.
"Living here in Yorkhill, has made it our eight city! Hilarious isn't it?" She laughed out loud.

Mandy couldn't understand.
"But why? Why'd you keep moving like that?

Kendra shrugged.
"I don't know.
My aunt hasn't given any logical reason. Once she says we're moving, we just move. I was never like this Mandy. I wasn't this cold, and alone.
I had friends....
And whenever we moved, I used to make new ones. But it hurt me to leave them whenever we moved. So i made a decision, by the time we moved into the fifth city."
She smiled wryly.

"I stopped making friends."

A/N: It feels so good to see Kendra open up like this. Doesn't it? Progress!

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