Chapter 9 ~Stop Hesitating~

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Melissa couldn't hide the surprise on her face, as she watched Kendra stand up to her.
Just who are you to meddle in my affairs? She's my slave for fucks sake!"

She reached out to hit Mandy but Kendra stepped between the both of them and held Melissa's hand in a tight grip, such that her hands were trembling.
Kendra was already mad at this point. Talking down to Mandy was irritating enough. Now hitting her, that was going too far.

"And who do you think you are to treat her like that? She does all of your homework, carries your bags around, and you're still not satisfied?
What slave? I think she's more of a dignified assistant. But you?" She scoffed.
"Don't you think you're Bella's slave? Following her like a puppy and all that!"

Now Kendra's outburst had the basketball court in utter silence. Everyone thought Kendra was something, and also a big threat to Bella and Melissa.
Kendra wasn't done speaking her mind. So, she went on with it.

"Now if you're Curious," Kendra pulled Mandy close.
"She's my friend! And I'm really protective of my friends...
I hate it when they're bothered.
It bothers me too. So, fuck off!"

She pushed Melissa aside and walked away with Mandy.
Cheers filled the court as everyone applauded Kendra's courage.
Melissa stomped her foot angrily like a two year old throwing tantrums. She looked towards Nolan to see if he was going to come to her, but he just looked away like he saw nothing.

Tristan rubbed his chin, smiling.
"Told ya something interesting was gonna happen."

Jay smiled at everything that happened. He was never a fan of Bella and Melissa's bullying. He was happy someone finally stood up to them. Meanwhile Roy was searching his brain for answers, he was sure he knew this brave girl from somewhere.
Outside, Kendra stopped to talk to Mandy.

"You see that, that's how you deal with bullies! Stop shivering when you see them, they're not gods."

Mandy was still reeling in shock of what happened earlier. She managed to say something.
"T-t-thank you."

Kendra cleared her throat. Seeing Mandy get all emotional because of what happened, she didn't want her to misunderstand.
"Just now, don't think too much about what i said." She further clarified.
"I mean just now, when i called you my friend...
I didn't mean it.
And also, stay away from me! Next time you see me, don't talk to me!"
After speaking her mind, she took long strides away from Mandy.

Mandy stood at the spot, crying from happiness. No one ever stood up for her. She could tell she and Kendra would make great friends, but she didn't know what was stopping Kendra.

Paula was home watching her favorite T.V show, when Kendra walked in. Watching her niece walk her way up the stairs without uttering a word of greeting, Paula wonderedwhen she and Kendra would live like a normal happy family.

Kendra got In her room, slightly shocked seeing Marv sitting on her bed.
"What's your deal with my room?"

He just grinned.
"Hey sweet peach! You're home.
Oh please save my sorry ass from your boring aunt."
Kendra giggled as she watched him tease her aunt.
Now you're laughing at me, c'mon you know how boring your aunt could be!"
Kendra snorted.
"Yeah yeah! she's boring but you love her anyway. She shrugged and sighed dramatically.
"Well, I guess you're into boring women."

Marv coughed nervously. He wondered when Kendra caught onto his feelings for her aunt. He thought he did a good job of hiding it all these years.
"Don't talk trash kid!" His cheeks grew as bright as a lantern. He attempted to change the topic.
"Now tell me, how was school today?

Kendra paused before answering.
I stood up to a bully today.....
In someone's stead though."

Marv raised an eyebrow.
"You did?
Since when do you meddle in people's affairs?"

Kendra looked down, like she was in deep thought.
"I know right, this girl is different."

"How so?" Marv was itching to know all the details.

"Well, I don't know. But there's something about her....
Something that makes me want to be close to her,and even protect her."

Marv hummed.
"Then do it!
Why do you hesitate?"

Kendra rolled her eyes.
"You know why, but you still ask."

He chuckled. Then took Kendra's hands into his, and looked into her eyes.
"Stop hesitating.
If you ever feel like doing something, do it!
If you want to be friends with her, just be. Don't complicate things...
Protect her while you can my dear.
You see, i made many mistakes in life because i hesitated.
And now, I'm left with regrets...
I don't want you to experience that honey, it hurts so bad."

He patted her shoulders and left her to think things through.
For once in her life, Kendra saw something she never thought she'll see.
Sadness from Marv. It was so strong that Kendra was pulled into it as well. His words left a deep imprint on her heart.

A/N: Hey guys!
Before you scold me, I'm aware of my promise last time.
So, this is the first of the three chapters on mass release. Others will be updated Immediately.
Thanks for sticking around.

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