Chapter 17~Hidden Identity Of Kendra~

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"You accepted to be my friend the other day. But today in school, you looked away when you saw me.
Now that's not fair."

Kendra's heart calmed a bit. She could not understand why her heart went wild when Jay said she was the reason why he had not felt at peace completely.
She cleared her throat.
"B-but we're talking right now. I don't think it's necessary for us to talk at school."

"Damn it is!" Jay chuckled.
"I'm guessing you don't want others to know we're friends."

Kendra shook her head
"No, that's not it."

"Then please Kendra, let me be your friend. Let's talk anywhere, anytime. Let's see each other in and outside school. Just like you and Mandy do. I'd really love that."

Kendra looked into his eyes. Wondering what he sees in her, that makes him want to be so close to her. She could not understand the logic behind his reasoning. Again, she tried to refuse.
"But you have other friends."

"And i also told you the other day right, I said i could really use an extra friend right now." He sighed. "Please don't say no Kendra."

Kendra could not believe her eyes. This was the king of the school. Whom every girl wanted to stare at all day, begging for her friendship. Jay wanting to be close to her was strange. But sincerely, the feeling was mutual. She also wanted to be friends with him, even though she never liked to admit.

"Alright, I'll be your friend."

Jay beamed.
"Really, no more looking away when you see me in school?"

Kendra smiled.
"No more."

Jay was very happy. One would think he just won the lottery. He screamed "yes!" As he pumped a fist in the air. He stretched his cell phone to her. "Here, save your number on it."

Kendra was quick to notice the latest edition of the iPhone series. She nodded to herself.

Not so bad for the king of the school.

Instead of dialing the number herself, she called it out for him.
Suddenly, the fishing net weighed heavier. She could not pull it out on her own. She grunted as she tried to pull it out.

Jay reached out to help.
"Hey, easy there. I'll help you out."
Together, they pulled out the net. To her surprise, there were so many fishes.
Jay was surprised."Whoa, this is..." He laughed "what did you use as bait?"

Kendra still taking in the sight, answered absent mindedly.
"Bait, what's that?" A little later, she recalled. "Damn! do you believe i actually came without bait?"

Jay opened his mouth in awe.
"You're kidding right?" The serious look on Kendra's face told him she wasn't kidding at all. "Then, let's say you're a natural, or the fishes just love you." Both he and Kendra laughed at the last part.

Kendra's aunt Paula met up with Marv at a fancy restaurant in town. They discussed while eating.
"Paula, it's your birthday in two weeks. Any plans?"

Paula laughed softly, while wiping her mouth with the table napkin.
"Marv, don't you think i'm a little too old for birthday parties? I'm turning 41, remember." She waved at his face.

Marv teased.
"Oops! She's an old lady."

The sound of their laughter was heard throughout the restaurant. Still, they couldn't care less. Paula was enjoying this moment with Marv. Taking care of an angry teen was not in any way and easy feat.
Marv suddenly asked.
"How's Kendra doing?"

Paula sighed.
"Same as before. Except, she resents me more. These days, she eats dinner alone in her room.
She doesn't even let me drop her off at school anymore. Marv, am i really that bad?" Her eyes watered as she spoke.

Marv stretched his hands over the table to wipe the tears off her face.
"Hush now, Paula. One day when she's old enough, she'll understand all you've ever done is in her best interest."

As they continued eating, Marv remembered.
"By the way, Kendra's seventeenth birthday is in four months right?"

Paula nodded and smiled. Her love for her niece was so evident. Even if they weren't best of friends.
"You're right Marv. How time flies. Seems like yesterday, when i held her for the first time."

Marv dropped his fork, his look taking a serious turn.
"You know what this means right, her powers will begin to show in about two months. And she'll need to be presented to everyone as the special one of the Psithuras on her seventeenth birthday."

Paula looked around and spoke in a hush tone.
"Watch your words Marv, i am going to keep my niece away from all that shit! She will never know who she is."

Marv laughed mockingly.
"And what will you do when her powers surface, if she were just an ordinary Psithura, her powers would have surfaced before now. But because she's special, her powers have been reserved until the night she's present before everyone. You already know she's the only one who can help us win the great war."

Paula could feel her blood rising already.
"Listen to yourself Marv, you want a kid to fight such a bloody war for our race? What if she dies?"

Marv opened his mouth to say something, but she cut him off.
"Even if this is her destiny, i will not let her! I'll keep moving from city to city, if that's what it takes."

Marv could only sigh. Paula was a very stubborn woman. Kendra might have took after her in that aspect. She watched him with a keen eye.
"Did you even do what i asked of you, before we moved here?"

Marv nodded. As usual before they moved into any city, she'd ask him to run a background check to know if there were any Druids, or Psithuras around and he usually did. Only this time, he lied. Yorkshire was a beacon of Druids, Psithuras, and plenty other supernaturals. He had based here for the past eight years. Kendra's safety was a priority for him as well, but he believed it was extremely wrong to mess with fate. So this time, he did the one thing he never thought he would ever do to Paula.


He lied to her. He gulped down the glass of red wine in front of him.

A/N: I was so excited sharing this chapter with y'all. So, now we know Kendra is not ordinary. Tell me what you think about Marv? Do you think he is right about Kendra facing her destiny? Or you'll rather side with Paula? Your votes and comments will go a long way.

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