Chapter 11 ~Glorious Future With Bella~

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Mandy payed great attention to Kendra's story. In her eyes, were filled with pity for her. Afterall, such burden was too heavy for a teenager.

Kendra continued.
"But I'm ready to change all that now!
I want us to be friends, that's if you still want to be my friend after everything I've said to you." She fiddled with her fingers as she awaited Mandy's reply.

Mandy was over joyed. She could not believe her ears.
"Are you freaking kidding me?
Of course i still want to be your friend!"
She pulled Mandy into a tight hug.
"But keep this in mind though. Once we're friends, there's no going back. We stay friends forever, all right?"
Kendra nodded.
"Sure thing! I won't back out."
Mandy pulled Kendra into another tight hug. Kendra could feel her heart warm up at the thought of having a new friend. After being a loner for a long while, age knew how to appreciate friends better.

Jay was busy in his room, playing video games alone. His mother came in unnoticed. Her gait showing she was a woman of class and poise. Jay got his ocean blue eyes from her, and other features from his father. Confirming Bella's report as she saw Jay home alone on a Saturday when he and Bella usually spent Saturdays together.

Walking closer, she called out to him.
He beamed at her.
"Hey Mom," focusing on the screen, he signalled at her.
"One minute mom, I'm so close to kiling this fucker.....shit!!! Again? How does he win against me every single time?"
Frustrated, he threw the game pad on the floor.

His mother looked at him with concern, she absent mindedly touched his bookshelf looking for signs that the house keepers  had not done their job properly. Luckily, she didn't find any.
"What's wrong baby, you're home."
Jay shrugged.
"Can't i stay home?"
"Not on a Saturday son, did you fight with Bella?"
Jay could only laugh at his mothers question.
"I'm guessing Bella talked to you already. You can come clean Mom, don't cut corners."

"Son, you just have to be patient with Bella. She's a teenager and..." Jay cut in.
"Can you play fair Mom, we're both Teenagers!"

"Yes son, i know that. But she's this way because she loves you. Believe me son, Bella is a nice girl. I know you have a lot of work as the chosen one of our race. But, you cannot deny that Bella is an important part of your future."

Jay stared at his mother unbelievably.
"The location of the stone of Femus has been revealed.
The chosen one of the Psithuras is here in Yorkhill, and you think i still have time for Bella's childish display? C'mon Mom."
He groaned and threw a pillow on the floor to make a point.

Jay's Mother was shocked.
"How do you know this?"
Jay rolled his eyes.
"Tristan of course."
His mother was beyond furious.
"That kid is unbelievable!
To think he would hide a message as important as this from the Druid Elders, now that's too much. The Elders would need to call a council meeting ASAP, and also report to his grandfather. He can't be the high seer of the Druids if he withholds information like this."
She stood up from the couch, as she paced about Jay's room. Her heels clicking the floor with every step she took.

Jay attempted to calm her down.
"Easy Mom, Tristan is still new to all this.
He took over from his grandfather just two months ago..
He obviously has a lot to learn.
He could use a little time you know?"
I'll let this slide.
But the Elders need to know of this development." She walked out immediately, grumbling as she left.

A breath of fresh air about to be exhaled by Jay got caught in his nose when his mother came back in the room after walking out.
"You do know we're having Dinner with the Dom's tomorrow, right?
Remember to look your best!" She winked at him as she smiled on her way out.

Jay was beyond mad. Leave it to his Mom to arrange a meeting with Bella's family, at a time like this. And then, this would be a perfect opportunity for both parents to gloat about his glorious future with Bella.
He immediately picked up his phone to call Tristan.
Tristan was not only a seer, he was also a wise person. It was often said that he was too wise for his age. Whenever Jay had problems, he would go to Tristan to seek solution.

Bella on the other hand, already picked out her dress meant for dinner the next day. She planned to reconcile with Jay. She missed him so much, that she kept thinking about him.

A/N:Here it is guys!
The last chapter of the mass chapter release i promised.
Sorry it took too long 🙏
I'm back on board now.
Happy New Year guys 🥂

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