Chapter 3 ~Your Doom Is Here~

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Melissa happily ran to one of the guys, who was already grinning at the sight of her. That was Nolan, her boyfriend.

"Hey handsome, i missed you in school today." She gave him a slow, sloppy kiss on the lips.

He kissed her back.
"Sorry babe, something came up."
He pointed at the guy laying on the mat, still convulsing.
Melissa shrugged and continued kissing Nolan.

A voice boomed across the room. It belonged to Jay Walker. The most handsome, and obviously the one who called the shots. He frowned at Melissa and Nolan, obviously not happy with their mushiness.

"Seriously guys, can you hold it in a little longer? This house is sacred.
This room, especially."

Thelma also gave a dissaproving look at Melissa and Nolan, before suggesting.
"What if we all go out?
Tristan needs all the air he can get."

Another of the guys named Dennis, wrapped his arms around Thelma as he spoke.
"Thelma is right you know, we should go out. Of course, someone could volunteer to stay back and watch Tristan."

One of the guys, named Roy. Black eyes, and natural golden locks.Sat on the floor, close to Tristan. Looked up and volunteered.
"I'll stay with him."

Bella smirked.
"That's right Roy, I mean traitor!
If waiting on all of us would wipe the sins of your ancestors, you should do it."

Roy pressed his lips together, Obviously angered by Bella's statement. But he's been through this too many times to know that silence was golden in situations like this one.

Everyone walked out of the room, and gathered at the sitting room. Each guy, with his girl. Jay the king of the group, with Bella, resting her head on his shoulders. Melissa with Nolan, Dennis and his beloved, Thelma.
Roy was left alone to watch over Tristan, the seer. Who was still sojourning in the other world.
They all stayed silent, as they prayed in their minds for Tristan to make it back alive.

An hour later, Roy came out with a pale looking guy sweating all over.
He had a big smile plastered on his face.
"Guys, I'm not even dead yet!
Fuck! Why are your faces sour?"

Seeing Tristan back alive, their faces lit up at once.

Jay pulled him into a hug immediately.
"Man, that was close!
Three fucking days...
I thought we lost you."

Tristan gave another smile.
"What, die? C'mon man even if i wanted to....
i wouldn't give Melissa and Nolan the chance to mess around in my sanctuary."

Melissa blushed, and stuttered like a kid caught stealing candy.
"We-welcome back four eyes."

Tristan laughed at her, before sitting on the couch with the help of Roy.

Melissa glared back at Roy.
"Well move it traitor, he needs water. Can't you see?"

Roy flared up.
"You don't speak to me that way Melissa, I demand some respect!"

Melissa giggled.
"Wow, the traitor has got some guts... wanna fight me?"
Nolan tried restraining Melissa but she wouldn't have it.

Jay was sick of their bickering, he yelled at them.
"Where are you guys, kindergarten? How do y'all keep up with this craziness? We don't even know what message Tristan has brought from the land of the spirits.."

He pointed at Nolan.
"Better get a hold on your girl Nolan, or I'ma throw her out right now!"

Nolan apologised on her behalf, and frowned at Melissa. At once, she got the message. Humbly, she lowered her head and apologised as well.
Immediately, a sudden chill was felt in the room. Subjecting everyone to silence.

Tristan nodded approvingly.
"You were born for this Jay, no wonder you were prophesied to be the chosen lord of the Druids."
He bowed his head in respect, and Jay reciprocated the action.

Roy made for the kitchen to get a glass of water. But Tristan stopped him.
"Come Roy, sit with us.
I bring important news from the land of the spirits. One good, one bad."

Bella rolled her eyes.
"Get on with it, four eyes, it's nothing we can't handle."

Tristan smiled..
"Well, the good news is...." He gave room for suspense. Obviously for the thrill of watching everyone tense up.
He laughed.
"Y'all should see your faces right now, you look..."
Seeing no one was buying his joke, he continued.
"The location of the ancient stone of femus has been revealed to me, that's the good news guys!"

Gasps stemming from surprise, followed the other.
Thelma was the first to ask.
"Really, the Druids have been searching for that stone for ages! Even the elders thought it went missing...Damn! Where has it been?"

Tristan shrugged.
"Apparently, it wasn't missing, but stolen. It's in the temple of stealth now. And we just have to steal it back!" He chuckled seeing the uneasy faces of his friends.
"C'mon guys, not really steal in the crime sense...
It's ours to begin with, we're just taking it back."

Nolan sighed a little too loud.
"Yeah, but damn it!
Temple of stealth, that place is dangerous!"

Bella asked.
"Why, you know about the place?"

Nolan shrugged.
"I heard about it from my mom, she said it's impossible to go in, and get out alive."

Dennis shivered..
"Great! What an insight. Now you're telling us going there is same as signing our death warrants!"
Thelma pinched at the flesh on his shoulders, and he yelped out in pain.

Melissa frowned
"Just thinking about this, gives me the chills! Can't we just forget about this damn stone?"

Bella snapped.
"That won't do!  if you knew anything about our heritage, you'd know that."

After some moments of shared silence by everyone, Jay spoke up.
"Tristan, where do we find this temple?"

Nolan chipped in quickly
"Well, i heard this temple is invisible to outsiders..
It's only visible to their worshippers, during their annual blood sacrifice.."

Dennis was surprised at the amount of information Nolan had. He used to be rather unserious with issues like this. He made a thumbs up sign at Nolan, which had Nolan blushing.

Tristan nodded. Satisfied with the information Nolan had.
"That pretty sums it up, you're right Nolan!
Seems you've been listening to a lot of bedtime stories from your mommy huh?"
He teased at Nolan, sticking out his tongue.

Nolan threw out an unpleasant look, displeased at Tristans tease.
"Yikes man! Bedtime stories?
What am i? Seven?"

The friendly banter between Nolan and Tristan, lightened the mood a little.
Until Tristan cleared his throat and continued with a poker face.
"Now this last piece of news is directed to all Druids. Particularly you Jay."
He squinted his eyes as he finished his statement.

Now the degree of the room, dropped by ten degrees. Hearts beating in tension, as they anticipated the "Bad News" as Tristan called it earlier.
Jay's expression hardened. His body tensed up, as he swallowed hard before nodding. Urging Tristan to go on.

Tristan nodded as he received permission, from Jay to speak.
"Jay, Your. Doom. Is. Here!!"

Jay felt a heavy thud in his heart, eyes wide open as his fingers turned ice cold.
Jay stuttered.
"Y-y-you mean..."

A/N: Drumroll!!!
Finally getting some action aren't we?
Tell me what the word "DOOM" in this context has you thinking.
And also, who's your favorite character from this chapter?
Nolan, Dennis, Tristan, Jay, Roy, Bella, Melissa, or Thelma.
Pick one 😉
Mine is Tristan. I like how he tries to keep the mood light.

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