Chapter 25 ~Traitor tag~

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Driving into his family mansion, Jay caught sight of a very familiar pink sports car. He wondered what Bella was doing at his home. He got down from his car, headed straight inside the house when he saw his mom having snacks with Bella at the patio. He walked slowly to them, and gave his mother a huge hug from behind.

He kissed her cheek.
"Hey momma!"

She could not help but smile.
"Welcome son, how was school today?"

He took one of the cupcakes and stuffed it in his mouth. Letting out a little moan satisfied with the taste. He waved at Bella, finally acknowledging her presence. She did same.

Now, Jay's mother could sense the stiff air between the kids.
Jay reached for another cake but he got a pinch instead.

"Ouch! Mom, that hurts."

"Well, you ignoring Bella hurts more. Give her some more attention son."

"Upstairs mom, I'll be upstairs." He stole another cake and turned his back to leave.

"No Jay, get back here. You both fighting again?"

She turned to Bella this time for answers.
It turned out both Bella and Jay were quiet.
"Answer me, you both!" This time, she had to raise her voice.

Bella intentionally stuttered as she spoke.
"About that aunt, it's no big deal. We just broke up."

Jay's mother gasped in surprise.
"You what? Jay!
I raised you better than this. How dare you hurt Bella this way?"

Bella quickly cut in.
"No aunt, we both decided ourselves. please do not blame Jay."

Helens eyes welled up with tears. Hearing Bella making excuses for Jay, she was touched.
"Such a good child. You still make excuses for this jerk. Come here dear." She wrapped Bella in a reassuring hug.

Jay wondered why Bella covered for him. The Bella he had come to know would rat him out to his mother without second thoughts.


Roy lay on his bed thinking about Thelma's injury from Bella. He was hurt. His family maltreated by their own race was something he still could not understand.

His mother walked into the room, and sat by him on the bed.
"Is this about Thelma? "

Roy nodded slowly.
"Sometimes, I wish we aren't druids. I wish we were just like every other person out there." He paused a bit to laugh in self mockery and continued.
"Wait, we are just like every other person. Afterall, we don't have our powers."

His mother placed her index finger on his lips.
"Hush son! We are Druids, and it is an honor to be who we are, with or without our powers." She sighed. "Your aunt called. She told us about what Julio and Anna's kid did to Thelma."

Roy's mood dampened again. He could not help but ask the one question that has been on his mind.
"Could it be true, that we are Traitors."

She lowered her head. "Your dad will explain better."

Her husband, Roy's father walked in. He was a tall and buff man. He was a professional body builder and a boxer. He owned a gym that Roy and Thelma often helped him out with. Not having their powers, they thought they could make up for it in strength. And in that, they excelled.

The family of three sat together, with so much sadness in the room.
Roy's father patted his back.
"Sorry son, I should have told you about this before now" He took a deep breath and continued.

"Yes son, we're Druids.We come from one of the oldest Druid family.
We had our powers until an ancestor of ours did the forbidden....
He fell in love with a Psithura and the druid elders rebuked his actions. As you know, the Psithuras are our sworn enemy. But he didn't listen. He even went ahead to have children with her. Soon enough, the Druid elders found out. He was banished, his Psithura wife and children slayed. Since then, our family was stripped of it's powers and we became known as Traitors."

Roy tried to blink off the tears gathered in his eyes. But they just would not go away.

His father continued.
"Even your Mother and Thelma's father suffered the same fate. For marrying into a family like ours, they were disowned by their families, and also stripped of their powers.
Roy turned red in anger. Him, Thelma and their parents were just victims who had to pay the price of a crime they didn't commit.

Fated HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora