Chapter 18 ~Happy Days Ahead~

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Mandy couldn't be more excited about Kendra's fishing trip with Jay. They texted about it all night. Mandy was very happy that Kendra was becoming more accepting of people in her life. She also thought it would be a good opportunity to get close to her crush, Tristan.

Paula could only open her mouth at the number of fishes she saw in the freezer. She took the stairs, heading to Kendra's room. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
"Kendra hon, can i come in?"

Kendra let out a little grunt before responding.
"Come in."

Paula slowly opened the door, as she stepped in the room. Kendra was in bed, her laptop before her. She stared at Paula, waiting for her to speak.
"Those fishes in the freezer. Did -"
Kendra cut her off.
"Yeah, i caught them. Any problems?"

Paula let out a gasp.
"You- you, caught them? How? You've never even gone fishing your entire life."

Kendra sneered.
"And isn't that because i've been too busy moving my whole life, that i never even had the time to pick a hobby?"

Ouch. That hurt.

Paula's eyes watered. She wondered when her niece would stop hating her. Kendra herself felt the sting of her words. She sighed.

"Listen, i was bored sitting at home all day. And i decided to go fishing." She shrugged. "It was a decision taken at the spur of the moment. I never knew I'd be able to catch so many. But if you don't want them, it's fine. I could share with my friends."

"No, it's fine. There's a lot i could do with those fishes. I'll fix something nice for breakfast tomorrow."
She hesitated before adding. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For bringing the fishes home, and for letting me in."

Kendra nodded.
"I guess i can say you're welcome."

Paula walked out of Kendra's room with a smile on her face. She didn't forget the part where Kendra said she had some friends to share with. She wondered how true it was.

The next day after school, Kendra visited Dayspring cafe where Mandy worked. She sat quietly, enjoying her muffins while waiting for Mandy to finish her shift. From her table, she could see someone. His golden locks looked too familiar. She pondered for a while, before deciding to ignore. Something outside the cafe caught her attention, and she looked out the window. Then suddenly, a figure jumped in front of her.
It was the same guy she had been looking at a while ago. Now that she looked closely, she remembered. It was Roy. He was a friend of Jay, and they both attended the same school.

Is that it?

She thought she knew him from somewhere else. But it was a distant memory.
He shook her excitedly.
"It really is you, you're my Kendragon. Damn it's been so long!"

Kendra stilled at the name Kendragon. Only the kids who knew her from when she lived in Hampton City knew her by that name. That name stuck to her since when she played the role of a dragon in one of their street plays.
She managed to ask.
"How do you know that name?"

Roy smiled.
"It's me. Peter pan. The little Blondie who lived three houses away from yours back then in Hampton. My mom owned a convenience shop down the street. You remember me, don't you?"

Kendra took her time to take it all in before it suddenly hit her and she exploded with joy. Turned out Roy was one of her closet friend from childhood. Only, their friendship was short-lived due to her moving from the City. She screamed out, other customers looking at her and questioning her sanity.
"Peter pan!!! It's been ages...
Never thought i'd see you again!"
Roy pulled her into a hug. They stood there for a while, before taking their seats back. When they noticed the stares they were getting.
"Really, is this you? Peter pan, sorry Roy." She chuckled. Their character names stuck to their mouths."We've been in the same school all this time, and i didn't recognise you?"

Roy smiled. "Well, we're all grown up. And besides you never really look at anyone in school." They both laughed.
"Well, it's nice to see you again. You just moved here?"

Kendra nodded.
"Wow, your aunt still doing all that moving stunt?"

"Yup! Aunt Paula is never changing."

They continued catching up on old times and Roy even forgot he had texted Jay to meet him up. Jay walked in, searching for Roy. Soon he spotted his hair. But then, he was sitting with someone.

Whoa! A girl?

As he got closer, he found out it was Kendra. One would think she and Roy were best of friends with the way they were chatting and smiling at each other. They were so lost in their conversation, that they didn't see Jay standing in front of them.

"Roy, Kendra?"

Roy was surprised to see Jay standing there.
"Dude, when did you get here?"

Jay shrugged, a little frown forming on his face.
"A while now. Apparently, you were too happy to notice." He took his seat without anyone asking him to.

Roy thought it was wise to introduce.
"Jay, meet Kendragon. Sorry, Kendra." He winked at Kendra who gave out a little laugh. Jay watched their exchange with a sour look on his face. "She's my neighborhood playmate from Hampton."

Jay was surprised. He didn't know Kendra had any other friend in Yorkhill aside from Mandy, and him as well. He turned to Kendra.
"Never said you knew Roy."

Kendra smiled.
"I know right, I only just recognised him now. We were catching up on old times before you came."

Jay mouthed an "oh." He patted Roy
"C'mon, let's talk at my place."

Roy made a sad face.
"So soon, let me talk to her for a while."

Jay pulled Roy up without a warning.
Now a laugh was threatening to fall out from Roy.
"What Jay, are you jealous?"

Jay frowned. "What's there to be jealous of? She's my friend too, you know. We even went fishing yesterday."

Kendra could only roll her eyes. Now that was petty of Jay.

Roy scoffed.
"Whatever." He turned to Kendra. "You've got my number now. Call me tonight." He winked.

Jay was furious.
"I called last night Kendra, you didn't pick up."

Kendra sighed.
"Gosh Jay, i was asleep. I'll call you after i call Roy." She could only laugh at Jay's expression. A pout was sitting pretty on his face.

"Just please call me first Kendra. You can't abandon me for your first love."

His words sent Roy and Kendra into a fit of laughter. Kendra never thought there was a cute side to Jay. Even Roy had never seen this cute side of Jay come out in a while. Even himself, was happy in a way he had not been in a while. He thought there were happy days ahead with Kendra as their friend.

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