Chapter 24~Insensitive Seer~

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Seated at another table, were Jay and the other guys, Bella and the girls included.

Dennis went first, because he was really excited.
"Now this is what I'm talking about. The whole gang, together." He winked at his girlfriend. Thelma returned his wink with a smile. A fake one. Deep down, she was weak, frustrated.

Tristan did not miss the opportunity to tease Dennis and Nolan who were acting like toddlers because their girlfriends were back to school.

"And why do I get the feeling that some people are too eager to mess around with their girlfriends." He winked at the guys.

The girls all burst in a fit of laughter. The whole time, Jay was busy eating and sending smiles to Kendra from their table. Tristan was quick to notice, and quickly whispered to him.
"You might want to get a hold of yourself. Bella's here ya know?"

Jay couldn't care less.
"Well, I ain't doing no wrong."

Bella already had her eyes on Jay. And she could see his flirting with Kendra. She spoke up.
"I'll just seize this opportunity to clear the air. Jay and i....." She took a deep breath. "We broke up." They all dropped their food in shock.She continued. "Yeah, we ain't lovers anymore. But we're still friends. So guys, we wouldn't like anyone to create tension between us."

She smiled and continued eating like she said nothing. While everyone else's food got stuck in their throat.

At home, Marv and Kendra's aunt, Paula were having a sumptuous lunch of fish fingers made out of the fishes Kendra brought home from her fishing adventure.
"Now which mart sells fishes this fresh?"

Paula beamed as she answered proudly.
"I didn't buy them Marv, Kendra went fishing and she caught them."

Marv was surprised to hear this.
"Kendra went fishing? Now you're kidding me."

Paula nodded.
"It's true Marv. I couldn't believe it myself. I'm so glad she's gradually breaking out of her shell."
She munched happily on her food. "There's a whole lot left. I could pack you some."

Marv still had his doubts.
"She caught this much fishes? On her first fishing trip? She fucking charmed the fishes, didn't she?"

Paula almost choked on her food.
"Now you're playing."

Marv seemed to be consumed I'm deep thoughts.
"Only water Psithuras can do this much, you know this right? What...what if her powers are starting to show?"

Paula dropped her fork angrily. "You won't speak anymore of that nonsense Marv!" She looked around the house and pointed at Marv. "You're lucky Kendra ain't home yet."

Marv gulped. He knew one more word from him, and Paula would beat him to pulp. She had a temper.

After school,Jay stood outside waiting for Kendra. Hoping he could drop her off. Tristan could guess in one go, who he was waiting for.

"Waiting for your princess?"

Jay coughed nervously. Tristan was the least person he expected to see.

" I know you're waiting for her. What's up with you dude? Y'all came to school together in your car. Sure this is still friendship?"

Now that was a question even Jay didn't have an answer to.

"Nah Tris, we're just friends."

Thinking of Kendra, he remembered her request.
" Umm Tris, can you help with something?"

Tristan nodded.
"Sure! What's that?"

Jay smiled. He knew this was going to be easy.

"It's Mandy, Kendra's friend. She was looking to volunteer. So, i kinda told her about the orphanage. Would it be okay if she goes with you?"

Tristan nodded.
"We need more hands anyway. I'll be resuming in three days. She can join me then."

"Wow! Kendra would... Shit! I meant Mandy would be so happy to hear this. Thanks man."

After Tristan left, Jay could finally breathe. He almost spilled the beans. He could only think to himself and laugh .
"How could a seer be this insensitive?"

A/N: Look forward to the next update.

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