Chapter 26~Hot Phone Call~

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At the Dom's mansion, Bella sat on her bed reading a book of spells when one of the housekeepers informed of Melissa's arrival.
Melissa stood in front of Bella watching her read. Soon, Bella broke the silence.
"So, did you find anything?"

Melissa giggled excitedly.
"Of course, turns out she has quite a history."

Now, Bella was all giddy.
"Ouuu, tell me all about it."

Melissa sat side by side with Bella.
"Full name, Kendra Adams. She's an orphan in custody of her aunt. So far, she's lived in seven cities. Yorkhill the 8th! No friends. That's all i could gather. Now tell me, don't you think something's off?"

Bella hummed. "Her profile, it's too dark. Found out where her aunt works?"

Melissa shook her head.
"Nah... Just that she lives quite a simple lifestyle."

Bella wracked her brain for answers.
"Now, this is one strange girl."

Melissa waved her hands in the air.
"Hey girl, you shouldn't bother yourself with her. She's a small fry. We can always deal with her in any way we please. So tell me. Your meeting with Helen?"

"Splendid! She's on my side."
Melissa grinned.

"Hmmm, I like the sound of that."
They spent the rest of their time chatting away.

Night fell on the city but the walkers mansion was as bright as day. The expensive chandeliers did not let go of their sparks.
Jay was trying to focus on his homework, but his thoughts wandered around Kendra. He resisted the temptation to call her. But he could not focus, so he gave it a go. He dialed her number, and she picked up in one go. Almost like she was waiting for his call.

"Hey Kendra, sleeping already?"

"Nah! The homework is kinda difficult. Why did you call anyway?"

"No-nothing!" He knew what he wanted to say to her. But getting the words out proved difficult. Without a second thought, he blurted out. "I miss you!"

Kendra could feel her ears tingle when she heard those words. Almost like she could not hear them well. She almost missed the next word he said.

"I've got great news for you. Wanna hear it?"

Kendra beamed.
"Well, yeah."

"I did what you asked me to...
I talked to Tristan and he accepted to let Mandy volunteer with him at the orphanage. They start in three days."

Kendra squealed happily.
"Yippee! That's great. Thanks Jay, you made my night. Mandy will be so thrilled to hear this."

Jay was really proud of himself.
Kendra continued.
"I wanna do something for you Jay." She stuttered. "I- I mean in return."

Jay asked teasingly.
"Oh yeah? You're gonna do anything I ask of you?"

Kendra gave herself a knock. She was caught in her own web.
"Yeah, i-is there anything you'd want?"

Jay gave a little laugh.
I'll tell you when it's time. Goodnight." He hung up immediately.

Kendra felt hot all over. There was some kind of heat after the phone call. On the other hand, Jay stopped studying. He shut his eyes to see if his beating heart would calm down.

A/N: Consider this chapter a Valentine Bonus. Who's excited about the next one?

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