Chapter 29~Happy Detention~

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After detention, Kendra wanted to walk back home on her own. But Jay insisted he was going to walk with her. They walked down the road silently.
After a while, Jay started a conversation. "So, why didn't you let me drop you off?"

Kendra shrugged.
"Nothing, I just want to walk." Jay looked at her and she seemed to have a lot on her mind.
"You know you can tell me about anything, yeah?"

Kendra nodded in understanding.
"It's Mandy... She's having a hard time. She could barely smile when i told her about Tristan." She sighed. "She won't be able to volunteer at the orphanage. She needs the money."

Kendra was almost in tears as she spoke. "Jay, do you think I'm a bad friend? My friend has had it rough and I've been happy all by myself." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Every tear drop from her eyes felt like knife stabs to his heart. He pulled her into a hug.
"Everything's gon' be alright. I promise to help. I don't know how, but I'll figure it out. Just don't cry, it hurts me to see you like this."

After a while when she was finally calm, she quickly pulled away when she noticed they were still hugging each other.

Jay chuckled.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about." He shrugged casually. "If one day, I get sad about something, just hug me like this and I'll be fine. Okay?"

Kendra blushed so hard, that her cheeks turned red. She quickly ran away in shame, leaving Jay to walk by himself.
Jay chuckled.
"Why does she run off like that when we're together? Does she hate talking to me that much?" He thought aloud.

"Nah, she enjoys talking to me. I can see it in her eyes. Hang in there Kendra, I'll never let you be sad. Not under my watch!"

At the top floor of a very tall building,  A man sat in his office giving orders to two able bodied men who were standing. Another man named Maurice, sat opposite Marv and watched as he passed instructions to the other men.

"Do you understand these instructions given to you?"

Both men chorused.
"Yes, boss we do!"

This big boss, was Marv.
Marv owned a big tech company. One that employed a lot of people. Of course, Mandy was not aware of this. The Psithuras like the Druids, also had people of their race in high places in the society. With their help and joint efforts, he was able to establish his company at a very young age.

"Kendra is like a daughter to me. You must make sure she is safe at all times. You must report to me whoever she is seen with, and talks to at school. Friends, and foes alike. Do you copy?"

Both men nodded. "Yes boss!"

He dismissed them with the wave of his hands. After the exit of those men, the man sitting in front of Marv finally spoke.
"May i know whom you're keeping tabs on?"

Marv nodded.
"I'm only telling you because you're trust worthy." He took a deep breath.
"It's Paulas niece, the one foretold to lead the Psithuras in the great war against the druid."

He gasped in awe. It took him a while to recover.
"You mean the chosen one of the Psithuras? Paula's niece? I thought Paula promised to keep her away from our race?
Dude, last i heard of them was that Paula was moving her from city to city. So that her identity would not be discovered.

Marv smiled.
"Well, it's only a matter of time before the great war begins. She asked me to help her investigate any new city she moved into, but i led her here on purpose."
He looked away as he spoke. "It's about time Maurice, the population of Druids in this city is huge. I believe it's time to let her take up her destiny."

Maurice sighed. It looked like he needed more time to digest the information.
"What about Paula? She's not gonna like this."

Marv nodded. "I know, I know."

Maurice continued. "You know she's a Fire Psithura and you don't wanna mess with her."

Now, Marv laughed. Maurice was scared of Paula. He was too, but somehow he felt this was the right thing to do.
"I am a Fire Psithura as well. We share the same element. Let me worry about Paula."

He stood up from his seat, and looked at down on the city through his glass windows.

"Promise me you won't let any other Psithura find out about this."

Maurice smiled. "You have my word for it."

Marv believed him. If loyalty was a person, it would be Maurice. He was a good friend and was also helpful when Marv was starting up his company. Hence, Marv's unwavering trust for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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