Chapter 27~Happy Detention ~

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The next morning, Marv stopped by to drop off Kendra at school. While waiting for her to dress up, Paula whispered to him.
"I think Kendra has got a boyfriend."

Marv freaked out and yelled.
"A boyfriend!"

Paula hit him."Don't be loud. I heard them talking on phone last night."

Before Marv could reply, Kendra came down.
"Hey Marv, can we go now?"
Marv followed right behind her. Paula smiled as she watched them leave the house.
On their way to school, Marv could not help but ask. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Kendra looked at him in surprise. She reached out and touched Marv's forehead with the back of her palm.
"Marv, I think you've got a fever."

At school, Kendra had economics class together with Jay, Mandy, Dennis and Tristan. Mrs Lewin their teacher, walked into the class and started the topic for the day. Soon, she saw Jay dozing off.

"Jay Walker, care to tell the class why you are asleep this early in the morning?"

Everyone in class directed their gaze at Jay. He felt embarrassed. All he could say was, "Sorry Mrs Lewin, it won't happen again." 

Jay tried to resist sleeping but it was impossible. His eyes were red and bulgy. After his phone call with Kendra the previous night, he lost sleep. Kendra was seated at  his left hand side. She caught him dozing off again.

"Jay! Wake up!"

Jay, half asleep could barely hear her.
She continued to whisper.
"What did you do the whole of last night? Huh?"

Jay responded drowsily.
"You! You are the reason."

"Me, what did I do?"

Mrs Lewin had enough already. She slammed the table angrily.
"Enough! Jay Walker and Kendra Adams. Your incessant whispering is distracting others. The both of you are placed on detention. Perhaps after that, your studious spirit will be revived!" She adjusted her glasses as she spoke.

Jay and Kendra stopped whispering to each other. As for Jay, he stopped sleeping and sat up. Her voice sent chills down their spine. Other teachers would not dare place Jay on Detention. His handsome face and amazing basketball skills won both male and female teachers over. Another reason was, his parents were filthy rich and were influential people in Yorkhill. Also to raise the bar, they were very close friends with the principal.
Mrs Lewin was not affected by all that. She was a strict disciplinarian. Students dreaded her and and even her rigid career method won her so many awards.

Jay was sad and happy at the same time. Sad because, this was first time going on detention. And it would a dent on his reputation. Now the good part was, Kendra would be there too.
If possible, he would gift Mrs Lewin a box of chocolate for giving him the opportunity to spend extra time with Kendra. Mandy on the other hand was staring at Tristan all through the class. Her feelings for him kept increasing by the day. She really hoped one day, the both of them would get to at least, say hi to each other. Even better, go on detention together.

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