Chapter 6 : Lost Kuku

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I'm trying to hold up my tears looking for my dog Kuma. I been searching all over my condo and I can't find my dog. I need to calm down myself, so I decided to sit on the sofa. Dogs can find their way home just by sniffing. Yes, they can but what it my dog has been kidnap? abducted or tortured? Okay, now I'm overthinking. I decided to go outside maybe I didn't notice Kuma went outside.



"Where are you Kuma? Don't let me worry like this" I said while trying to hold up my tears. This is my fault, If I lost my dog, it is because I'm careless. Still I'm searching for my dog in the hallway, thinking a good netizen have my dog.

Someone's POV: 

Gym is so tiring but at the same time it is so refreshing. Toxics are flush out after almost a week not having a workout. I was in the elevator looking at my sweaty face. Still got the abs.

Tiiiiiing! The elevator opened.

"OH MY GOD JESUS!" I'm shocked and almost step on something when I went outside the elevator. It was a brown dog. I look around the hallway, but I don't saw anyone. The dog just looks at me while sitting and I can tell the dog's eyes are sad but still manage to sway its tail.

"Hi their cutie, where is your owner?" I said while I pat the head's dog. I cannot tell if this is a boy or a girl because of its thick fur. I notice there is a dog tag on the neck of the dog, it says Kuma. Probably sounds like a boy to me. 
"So where is your house?" I asked the dog he then stand up and look me up, it looks like his telling to me follow him. So, I follow him. The Dog bark on the door with a room number of JRJK - 0116. Room number was actually customized, I never know the building had that option. 
"Is this your house small bean?" I asked the dog.  The dog just barks and wiggle his tail. Pretty sure this dog has a high IQ. I press the doorbell option but unfortunately no one respond, possible the owner was not inside or maybe sleeping. I decided to carry the dog and maybe I will come back later time.
"Hey small bean, let's comeback later looks like your owner it not around, okay?" The dog just licks my hand, lucky this dog if friendly to me. I'm starting to like this dog actually, maybe I won't return him. JUST KIDDING. I hope this small bean will get along with my cat.

"Hellloooo Leo we have a visitor!" I said to my cat whose waiting for me.
"Kuma this is Leo my cat then Leo this is Kuma, don't fight okay I just need to take a bath" I said to both. I saw both with an intense look and I tried to shoo them and make them comfy, both tags along in few minutes and I just smiled to them. They easily become friends. I started my way to the bathroom so I can take a bath. I wonder who's the owner of the dog, he or she might be worried.

Jennie's POV:

I was exhausted looking for my dog, I even asked help to the guards and asked to review the CCTV but their IT department is closed during Sundays and no authorize personnel that check the CCTV. I was so sad and blaming myself for what I have done. I cried in silent even I'm alone. 

"Where are you Kuma? I'm so sorry I didn-" I was stop because for the doorbell rings. It might be the staff in the lobby. I hurriedly go to the door hoping someone returned Kuma. 
"Kuma is tha--"
"Hi ma'am good afternoon it's amazon delivery, are you Ms. Jennie Kim" a boy with the delivery uniform asked. 
"Ah-ah yes that's me, I thought it was-- never mind let me sign the papers" I said and wipe my tears. 
"Are you okay ma'am?" delivery boy asked.
"I'm fine no worries. Thanks" I immediately close the door. It was a parcel for Kuma to his new bed. I then cried again knowing I don't have my Kuma with me.


It might be Kuma! I return to open my door and it was the delivery boy again.
"Ma'am I forgot my pen" delivery boy said. I immediately handed the pen that still in my hand. Gosh I'm so not into myself.
"Sorry I forgot to return it" I closed the door again. I sigh maybe the lord don't want me to cry thats why someone keeps interrupting my emotions. I can't help it. Kuma is the only one I have. I can't lose Kuma. I can feel my tears are building up again when suddenly, 


What is it this time? I stand up again and get the door open.
"What now? Did I for-- KUMA!" I immediately hug Kuma. I thought I lost my Kuma. I'm so happy to see Kuma that I teared up seeing my boy again.
"Ehem" Ops, I forgot the person standing in front of me. I look up to the girl. She is wearing loose baggy jeans on bottom, while loose black varsity polo with white bucket hat on. She has a cute bangs and her eyes are round, I can say she is not a Korean.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you right away I just thought I lost my boy Kuma, by the way where did you find him?" I asked. This girl is giving me a vibe that she isn't straight, but I don't want to ask her about that, it's rude. I can tell she is a nice person just the way she smiles.
"Oh, he was actually waiting on the elevator when I step out, I notice him and actually he signals me where to go but when got here earlier I think you're not here" she said
"Yeah I was not here, I look all over the place finding my dog, I can't imagine losing the only one I have" I said while I pat Kuma's head.
"I'm sorry for not returning him instantly, I should have waited" She said with sad eyes.
"No, actually don't say sorry. It's my fault in the first place. By the way you wanna come inside? I give you a nice tea for returning my dog" I said while I pull the door giving signals that she is free to come inside.
"Oh I-I yeah sure why not, thank you" she come inside.
"Here, have a seat while I prepare the tea for you" I said

"Woow! This is refreshing! I never had a tea for a long time" the girl said.
"I'm glad to know you like it, I just actually got it from internet. Reviews and comments are great so why not try right?" I said while I gave her my gummy smile.
"Of course, internet have it all. By the way you have a cute dog, I call her small bean cause I was too late to notice the dog tag, he has a thick fur" she said
"Yes, I like it that way as long as he still can see. I think his way cuter having thick fur" I said.
"Yeah, I agree actually have a cat and when I take him a bath, he looks so funny" the girl laugh describing her cat. I also laugh on what she said, I just remember taking Kuma a bath. 

We talked about our pets, about our daily lives, hobbies and anything else that we can randomly chat about

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We talked about our pets, about our daily lives, hobbies and anything else that we can randomly chat about. We didn't notice the time as we get along with our topics. I just know that she lives here, and we have the same floor, she loves dancing and she's also a mentor but it's not her full time job. She is a full-time photographer, and she loves her job I actually tease about if she tried a nude photography, she laughs at first answer me professionally.  I can tell she is an open-minded person and professional on what she's been doing. I can sense a good vibe with this person actually, she has positive and funny attitude that is contagious. 

"Oh I didn't notice the time! I actually have some errands to be taken care of" the girl said.
"Oh of course, I'm sorry I just got caught up talking to you" I said while giving a little laugh.
"Me too, it was nice meeting you" girl said.
"Likewise" I said while I walk her to the door.
"Hey, we caught up talking and we haven't known each other's name, whats your name?" girl said.
"Oh, my bad, I'm Jennie.. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim..  Just call me Jennie" I extend my arm for handshake.

"Nice name, I'm Lisa.. Lisa Manoban" She accepted my handshake. It was nice knowing some neighbors around, she's fun to be with, I hope we can be friends.

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